MEMORIAL FLOWERS – Anyone wishing to place flowers in the church for Easter, please give Wendy your information for the bulletin by Friday, April 18th, by email or phone.
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – For this month only, the Parish Council meeting will be held on the fourth Thursday, April 24th at 7:00 pm. Our normal 3rd Thursday falls during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday. Please send any regrets to Linda or Rick M.
MEN’S BREAKFAST - The Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 26th at 8 am. They would appreciate the help of 3 people to set up and 3 people for cleanup. For more information call Don at 431-4047 or email puppadon@hotmail.com
PROPERTY COMMITTEE – The Property Committee is planning a clean up of the cemetery and church yard on Saturday, April 26th after the Men’s Breakfast. Please bring your rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, etc. and come out for some breakfast and fellowship as you eat and work together. Many hands make light work. Rain date will be May 3rd.
BREAKFAST BUCKET – Thank you for your contributions to the BLT Breakfast Bucket on March 30th. A cheque in the amount of $118.67 was delivered to the school. They are always very appreciative of St. Andrew’s generosity. The next “Bucket” Sunday is April 27th.
SUNDAY SCHOOL – The Sunday School is looking for donations of Lego, all sizes and colors, for a project they are working on. If you have any Lego lying around you would like to give away, please speak to Kim Wells after church or by phone 476-9812.
YARD SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having their Spring Yard Sale after Easter on May 3rd. If you are doing some spring cleaning, please keep the church in mind. We will accept all good, clean, used clothing, children and adults, household items, toys, books, games, puzzles, small appliances, etc. We are no longer able to accept large furniture items, electronics, car seats, encyclopedias. Any questions can be directed to any member of the group or you can call Wendy at 229-4172.
ONGOING NOTICES – All Ongoing Notices from the bulletin have been posted on the bulletin board at the back of the church. They will no longer be included in the weekly bulletin but will still be updated as the need arises.
TALENT SHOW – Parish Council would like to have a Talent Show
in the near future with local talent from our parishioners and our community. If you would like to participate or know of anyone who might like to take part in this, please contact Rick Morash or Wendy Wells.
EMAIL ADDRESSES – Rev Mark Pretty is hoping to make a list of all email addresses of the parishioners. If you would like to have your address on this list, please give it to Rev Mark on paper or email it to him. His email information is on the back of the bulletin cover
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Jerusalem - (Jerusalem & Middle East) The Rt Revd Suheil Dawani.
Seaforth: The Rev Kyle Wagner; The Rev Fred Grainger, Assistant Priest.
Ship Harbour: The Rev Tricia Ingram, Priest-in-Charge, and Dave.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Laurie & Karen Brunt, James & Gloria Brunt, Russell & Lea Bryden, Todd & Jane Caiger, Bruce & Kim Campbell, Dave & Fran Campbell and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Roisin, Cheryl, Daisy, Carol, Kathy, Krista,
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: William Henry Hibberd, Lorna Ida Eva Rogers, Lillian Slaunwhite, Albert Drover. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN