BREAKFAST BUCKET – Today is Breakfast Bucket Sunday.  All donations are given to the BLT Elementary School for their Breakfast Program.

BULLETIN – Beginning this coming week the bulletin will be printed by Judy Sanford for the next few weeks.  Please contact Judy at 876-2080 or sanfof@eastlink.ca if you have any items you would like printed in the bulletin.

ST. ANDREW’S LADIES GROUP - The Ladies Group will meet on Thursday, May 1, 2014, at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room.  Please send all regrets to Anne Fraser at 876-2703.

YARD SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having their Spring Yard Sale on May 3rd.  If you are doing some spring cleaning, please keep the church in mind.  We will accept all good, clean, used clothing, children and adults, household items, toys, books, games, puzzles, small appliances, etc.  We are no longer able to accept large furniture items, electronics, car seats, encyclopedias.  All items can be left on the stage anytime this week that the church is open.  We will also be accepting items Friday from 9 to 11 am and 7-8:30 pm.

PARISH SERVICES:  At a meeting of Parish Council held on April 24, 2014, a motion was passed that all 9:00 am services use the BCP and all 10:30 am services use the BAS effective immediately.  If you have any questions, please speak to one of the Wardens, Linda Strachan or Rick Morash.

BOTTLE RECYCLINGBill Kelley has set up an account with the Timberlea Recycling Depot for St. Andrew’s Church.  When you take your bottles in for the refund, you now have the choice of donating this money to the church.  You simply request that your refund be deposited into St. Andrew’s account.  The contact person at the depot is Jason.

READERS – If you would like to become a reader during the 10:30 am service, please contact Wendy at 229-4172.  A new roster will be set up this coming week.  We can always use new readers.  Thank you to all those who currently read!

St. Andrew’s Timberlea
YTD Financial Data – Q1

General Fund:              2014                2013                2012
Income                            $28,737.13         $33,728.03       $33,125.57
Expenses              $34,447.49     $35,653.49       $36,650.45
Balance                 -$5,710.36          -$1,925.46       -$3,524.88



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East The Most Revd Dr Mouneer Hanna Anis President Bishop, Jerusalem & the Middle East & Bishop in Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa


Christ Church:  The Rev Stephen Laskey & Jos; The Rev Jane Clattenburg, Pastoral Visitor, & Mike.
St. Andrew’s:  The Rev Katherine Bourbonniere & Brian; The Rev Walter Beazley, Assistant Priest, & Brenda; The Rev Gary Giles, Assistant Priest, & Dawn-Marie.
Eastern Passage:  The Rev John Ferguson & Carolyn Tomlin.

PLEASE PRAY FOR The Atlantic School of Theology Convocation being held on May 3rd at Saint Benedict Catholic Church.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Tony & Tausha Coffey, Andrew & Karen Collier, Noble & Doris Colp, Bernie & Betty Conrad, Robert & Faye Conrad, Don & Sharon Cookson and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Roisin, Cheryl, Daisy, Carol, Kathy, Krista, Rev. Ron

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Elliot David Myra, Minnie Dunn, Gail Rosborough, Cyril Giffin.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN