INSTALLATION OF COUNCIL – The Installation of Council Members will take place this morning.

ONGOING NOTICES – All Ongoing Notices from the bulletin have been posted on the bulletin board at the back of the church.  They will no longer be included in the weekly bulletin but will still be updated as the need arises.

YARD SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having their Spring Yard Sale after Easter on May 3rd.  If you are doing some spring cleaning, please keep the church in mind.  We will accept all good, clean, used clothing, children and adults, household items, toys, books, games, puzzles, small appliances, etc.  We are no longer able to accept large furniture items, electronics, car seats, encyclopedias.  Any questions can be directed to any member of the group or you can call Wendy at 229-4172.

CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Canvassers are needed by the Canadian Cancer Society in April.  If you would like to canvass a street in Timberlea, Lakeside or Beechville please phone Jinny Giza at 876-8510.  Thanks a lot!

FOOD SAFETY COURSETrinity United Church is having a food safety course on April 12th.  The parishioners of St. Andrew’s are invited to attend.  We all need to do everything we can to promote food safety at our suppers.  If you haven’t taken the course before or just want a refresher, please see the poster and sign-up sheet at the back of the church.  There is no charge for the course.  Thank you.

TALENT SHOW – Parish Council would like to have a Talent Show
in the near future with local talent from our parishioners and our community.  If you would like to participate or know of anyone who might like to take part in this, please contact Rick Morash or Wendy Wells.
EMAIL ADDRESSES – Rev Mark Pretty is hoping to make a list of all email addresses of the parishioners.  If you would like to have your address on this list, please give it to Rev Mark on paper or email it to him.  His email information is on the back of the bulletin cover



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for The Nippon Sei Ko Kai (The Anglican Communion in Japan) The Most Revd Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu Primate of The Nippon Sei Ko Kai & Bishop of Hokkaido


Ecum Secum:  The Rev Kevin Frankland, Priest-in-Charge, and Melissa.
Musquodoboit: The Rev Tricia Ingram and Dave; The Rev Michael Foley, Assistant Priest and Janice; The Rev Marilyn Murphy, Assistant Priest.
Port Dufferin:  The Rev Kathleen Knott, Priest-in-Charge.

LET US GIVE THANKS FOR. this Holy Season of Lent.

PLEASE PRAY FOR a smooth changeover to the new Diocesan Bishop.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  David & Gwen Bourque, Harold & Marion Boutilier, Morley & Doreen Boutilier, Wendy Boutilier, Blanche Boylan, Stephen & Denise Brown and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Roisin, Cheryl, Daisy, Carol, Kathy, Krista,

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Leo Hales, George Alexander Young, Margaret J Hirtle-Smith, Gertrude Fraser, Ward Steven Wheadon, Captain Walter Kettle, Darrin Victor Myra, Robie (Buddy)Victor Myra, Julia M A Nishimura, Albert Ernest Gallant.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN