VACATION – Rev’d Mark Pretty will be on vacation July 26th - Aug 21st. The service of Morning Prayer will be conducted by the Rev'd Marilyn Hamlin and Donna Ruggles while the Rector is on vacation. For emergencies please contact the wardens who will be able to reach Rev'd Mark.
THE SOUL’S HARBOR RESCUE MISSION in Halifax currently provides lunch for 50-60 homeless individuals on weekdays Monday to Friday, but they lack the finances and volunteers to extend it into Saturday. They have recently received a grant to build a new kitchen on their premises, and they would like to partner with Anglican churches in this region with the intention of providing a luncheon program on Saturdays. If you feel you would like to be part of this ministry in some way, please contact Rev. Marilyn for further information, 876-7300, mhamlin@eastlink.ca Thank You
PHOENIX HOUSE – Phoenix House is looking for monetary donations to help with expenses. If you would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause, please put your donation in an envelope and clearly mark it “For Phoenix House” and place it on the offertory plate. All donations will be included on your church income tax receipt next year.
RECYCLING – Gordon Hamlin has taken over the Recycling Account for our church. Please remember when you take your recycling bottles, etc. to the depot in Timberlea to have the amount credited to St. Andrew’s Church account. Gordon will look after collecting the money as it accumulates.
THINK TANK COMMITTEE – All groups and committees in the church are being asked to do a fund raiser to help with the deficit. It could be a luncheon after church, or a contest to see who makes the best chili, or a bake sale, etc. Use you imagination. When your group decides on something, please let Rev. Mark know the date you have chosen ant the event you will be doing.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Renk - (Sudan) The Rt Revd Joseph Garang Atem.
OF RUPERT’S LAND: Archbishop David Ashdown and the Provincial CounciI.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR: 225th Anniversary of St. Mary’s Church, Auburn.
PLEASE PRAY FOR:Safe Travel for vacationing clergy.
Retired Clergy of Fort Sackville Region: The Reverend Dennis Andrews and Marion; The Reverend Leslie Ball; The Reverend Arthur Cuzner; The Reverend James Greene and Linda; The Reverend Brian Hutchins and Sandra; The Reverend Tom Kerr and Aileen; The Reverend Judy Lafford and Arthur; The Reverend John Mills and Marsha; The Reverend Arthur Nash and Emily; The Reverend Gloria Penwell and Clarence; The Reverend Jim Reid and Beryl; The Reverend Alan Sagar and Margaret; The Reverend Marjorie Saulnier; The Reverend Canon Jack Tattrie and Gail; The Reverend Rick Walsh.
Clergy Widows: Mrs. Judy Appleton; Mrs. Barbara Corbin; Mrs. Phyllis Pike; Mrs. Hilda Temple-Hill; Mrs. Greta Moore; Mrs. Joyce Pretty; Mrs. Barbara Tuck.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Barry & Crystal Hatcher, Kevin
& Joyce Hatcher, Gordon & Rev Marilyn Hamlin, Ken & Joanne
Hanley, Gerald & Pat Hartlen, Richard & Sharon Hayden and their
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Jean Louise Bennett. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN