FLOWER MEMORIALS – All those who want to place flowers in the church for Christmas or give donations through the Flower Fund, please make sure that all information in regards to these memorials is given to Wendy by no later than today. If you miss the deadline, your loved one’s name will be printed in the first bulletin after Christmas. Phone number 229-4172 and leave a message or email: nanawendywells@gmail.com.
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING AND CAROL SING – Thank you to all those who came out and participated in our first Annual Tree Lighting. A wonderful time was had by all!
KIDS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DAY – Thank you to all those who supported our shopping day for children by making donations, helping with set up and working or by just bringing your children to shop. Your support is always appreciated.
CHURCH DECORATING - St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be decorating the church after the 10:30 am service today. Anyone who would like to help is welcome to stay and participate.
BREAKFAST BUCKET – The Breakfast Bucket on December 1st was in the amount of $186.78. You can imagine BLT school was very grateful for your contribution to their “Grab and Go” Breakfast Program. Many thanks for your generosity. Our next “Bucket Sunday” will be at the end of January.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – The Annual General Meeting will be held on February 9, 2014, with a storm date of February 16, 2014. All reports are due by January 11, 2014.
ALTAR GUILD - The Altar Guild is looking for some new members. If anyone is interested in joining the guild or would like more information please contact Beth Foote at 444-2154. This is a very rewarding ministry.
CALENDARS – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group are selling church calendars for 2014. We only have 5 left, so if you want one please let Wendy know. The calendars are $6.00.
NEW COUNCIL FOR 2014 – We are looking for people to sit on Parish Council starting in 2014. We are in need of a Warden, 2 members-at-large, 1 Synod delegate and a Ways and Means Facilitator. If you are interested in letting your name stand for any of these positions, please speak to one of the Wardens, either Jean or Linda.
STORM POLICY – The following procedures will be implemented whenever inclement weather threatens the cancellation of church services:
Common sense will prevail, and parishioners are advised not to venture out on dangerous roads. If it is not completely obvious that services would be cancelled, then parishioners can employ any or all of the above noted methods to discover whether or not services are cancelled.
*This policy was approved by council on March 8, 2012.
SCENT SENSITIVITY: Just a reminder that NO SCENTS make GOOD SENSE! Please be considerate of those in our congregation who have allergies and asthma. Thank you.
PWRDF – The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund acts on behalf of the Anglican Church of Canada to provide people around the globe with the ways and means to “help them help themselves”. Information and envelopes are available at the back of the church should you wish to contribute to this worthy ministry.
RECTOR’S OFFICE MEMORIALS – Memorial donations towards the construction costs of the Rector’s office are now being received. Donations in the amount of $110.00 ($100 plus $10 engraving) will allow contributors to place a memorial on a plaque to be located outside the office. There are twenty-four spaces for memorials. Once all spaces have been filled we will dedicate the office in memory of those identified on the plaque. If you wish to make a donation, please see either Rev. Mike or Rev. Judie. Thank you for your generosity
CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS AND POSTAGE STAMPS – Thank you for your continuing support of two ACW projects: Postage stamps and Campbell’s soup labels. The requirement for stamps have been changed: They no longer have to have ¼” margin of envelope around them; simply tear most of the envelope away, being careful not to tear the stamp. The soup labels have to be complete and in one piece; that is, with no staples or Scotch tape.
PLEASE NOTE: A number of soup labels, and two grocery bags full of stamps, were recently turned in to the ACW office. Thank you, and please remember to save the stamps that arrive on Christmas cards which will soon be arriving in our mail boxes!
FOOD BANK – The St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank is always in need of canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers and pudding. They are currently running short on the following food items: boxes of cereal, cookies, and jello. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for Yokohama – (Japan) The Rt Revd Laurence Yutaka Minabe.
Northumberland: Archdeacon Glenn Eason, Priest-in-Charge & Terry Lea; The Rev Bill Cook, Assistant Priest; the Rev Kathryn Cook, Deacon.
St. John’s: The Rev Lori Ramsey & Robert Cullen; The Rev Gary yetman, Assistant Priest & Diane.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR the coming of the Christ Child.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Scott MacDonald & Sarah Downey, Flos MacFarlane, Lorne & Lorraine MacLellan, Kevin & Lily Mahar, Peter & Darlene Mann, Edith Marriott, Shawn & Darlene Martell, Neatha Masey, Charles & Loretta Maynard, Steve & Nancy Michalko, Angela Miller, Lloyd & Rita Miller and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Roisin, Cheryl, Daisy, Carol, Kathy, Krista, Crystal, Myril
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Bishop Robert Harold Waterman, Donald Gordon Richardson, William Edward Hibberd, Donald Martin, Suzan Walsh, Jobe Thorne, Bishop Robert Stanser, Charles Harry H Sawler, Anna Hall, Whilma Gertrude Jean Fraser, Evatt Boutilier, Annette Webster, Norman Parsons. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN