LADIES GROUP – The Ladies Group will meet on January 8, 2015 at 7 pm in the Fellowship Room.  This will be our Annual Meeting.  Please make every effort to attend.

FUNDSCRIP – Parish Council is trying a new type of Fundraiser which requires no work on your part.  It is simply a new way of shopping.  Instead of using cash, debit or credit cards when you do your weekly shopping, purchase a gift card from the parishThere are no hidden costs or fees.  You simply buy a gift card for groceries or gas, etc. in the amount you wish to purchase and use this at the store instead.
For every gift card the parish sells, a percentage will be given back to the church.  The percentages run from 2% up to 10% depending on the card.  These cards will give the parish extra funds without all the work.  An information package was passed out last week with the bulletins.  If you didn’t get one, please see Rick Morash or Linda Strachan and they can answer any questions you might have.

PARISH WEBSITE – Our parish website is being updated after a long period of being inactive.  We are very interested in what groups or other things you would like to see included there.  Any ideas are very welcome!  Please let the rector know by email and we will see what we can do!  markpretty63@icloud.com

ENVELOPE SECRETARY – Parish Council is looking for an Envelope Secretary to take over from Erica Orlando who has done this job for 5 years.  If you are interested in this position please speak to Erica and she will fill you in on what it entails.  Erica will train you along with our Treasurer, Bev Higgins.  Please speak to one of the Wardens if you think this job is for you!

ANNUAL MEETING – The Parish Annual Meeting will be held on February 1, 2015 following the 10:30 am service.  (storm date will be February 8th).  All Annual Reports must be given to the Wardens by January 11, 2015.



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Kushtia - (Bangladesh) The Rt Revd Sunil Mankhin.


PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA:  National Indigenous Bishop and the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples - Bishop Mark McDonald.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR . The incarnation, the gift of our Saviour.
PLEASE PRAY FOR. For all who are shut in during winter months.


Retired Clergy of the Chignecto Region: The Reverend Frank Likely and Paula; The Reverend David Myles and Margaret.
Widows: Mrs. Marie Eaton, Mrs. Kay Lane, Mrs. Sheila Leddicote, Mrs. Elinor Mullen, Mrs. Faye Porrior.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Lindsay & Margaret Gates, Edith Gilbert, Doug & Judy Gillett, Stephen & Heather Gillett, Jinny Giza, Christie Grandy and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:   Gail, Yasuko, Brai, Rev Judie, Jim, Harry

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Bishop Frederick Courtney, Jean Johnston, James Kennedy, Colin C Richardson.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN