Bulletin Board

For pastoral emergencies, contact Rev. Michael Conrad, 861-2493 or 876-2963 or Rev. Judie Lafford (Associate Priest) 446–0229. For other matters, contact the wardens: Linda Strachan, 876-0292, or Lloyd Miller, 876-8508.

The next scheduled Council meeting will be March 12th. Rev. Mike would like all members to be present at church on March 1st for the installation of Parish Council. Any questions, please contact the wardens.

Please Note: There will be NO Bible Study on Shrove Tuesday, Feb.24th. - will resume the following Tuesday. Monday evening will meet as usual.

The Bible Study Fellowship Group will now be provided on both Monday evenings,(7:00-8:30pm in the Church), and Tuesday afternoons,(2:00-3:30pm in the Church Hall), for the convenience of our church family, the same Bible Study being used for both groups. We are studying St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Thessalonians. Rev. Ron looks forward to this very special time of fellowship centered on God’s Word!

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: You are invited to join us for a service of worship, music and fellowship Friday, March 6 at 7:00pm. This year the service will be held at St Andrew’s Church and all churches in the area are participating. We are praying, with people all over the world, for the women of Papua, New Guinea, who have written the service. The theme for 2009 is "In Christ there are many members yet one body." For information contact Marilyn Hamlin 876-7300.

The Weekly Bulletin, Cycles of Prayer and Rector’s Report will no longer be e-mailed but are now available on our Parish Web Site (http://blthanglicans.ca) , under the "Parishioners Section". To access this information along with Council Minutes, Monthly Financial Statements and Annual Reports, you will need the username (blthparish) and password (876mmlj).

St. Andrew’s Ladies Group has organized a sleigh ride for Feb. 22nd at 3:30pm at Hatfield Farms. Please sign your name, phone number and the number of people in your family on the sign up sheet at the back of the church. This is open to everyone who would like to have some winter fun and fellowship. Adults $8, children $6, and children 2 and under are free. HST is extra. All participants will be required to sign a waiver. Copies of this waiver are available from Wendy. Everyone is invited to return to the church hall after the sleigh ride for a supper of homemade baked beans and brown bread (hot dogs as an alternate), for a small fee. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate will be available. If you require any more information or have any questions please contact Wendy at 443-4630.

Assistance is needed in delivering groceries from St Andrew’s church to the Sacred Heart Food Bank. The office at Sacred Heart is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Thursday and from 8:30am to 12:00pm on Friday. Should you wish to volunteer, please contact Renee of the Outreach Committee at 876-2275.

The Ways & Means are holding a Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 24. A sign-up poster is at the back of the church for your contributions. Please come out, have a little fun, and support this 90th Anniversary event.

Postage Stamps & Campbell’s Soup Labels: The Diocesan ACW collects used postage stamps for the Canadian Bible Society. These stamps are sold to collectors and the money used to purchase Bibles. All stamps are welcome, but especially foreign and commemorative ones. The ACW collects Campbell’s soup labels for Landmark East who turn them in to receive furnishings and supplies for their building. The whole label is needed. Containers will be placed at the back of the church to collect stamps and labels and we would appreciate your donation. Envelopes should be trimmed 1/4 inch around the stamps, but we also will accept whole envelopes.

90th Anniversary Celebrations

The kerosene oil heater you see on the Chancel steps was used to heat the porch of the old St. Andrew’s Church on Fraser’s Rd. and was donated by the Gilkie Family . The church was erected and used from 1905 to 1956. Perched on top is Miss Ruth Gilkie’s choir hat, which she was never seen without in her many years with St. Andrew’s Choir.

In keeping with our 90th Anniversary Celebrations, a one day Lenten Workshop on "Forgiveness" will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2009. A registration poster has been placed at the back of the church. Please place your name and phone number on the poster if you plan to attend. If you have any questions you would like addressed at the

workshop, please place them in the bag attached to the poster. The deadline for registration is February 22, 2009 and the deadline for questions is January 31, 2009.

St. Patrick’s Day Variety Show: St. Andrew’s Hall. Sunday, March 15th at 7:00pm. Admission $6.90.

Signature Quilt Project: The blocks are currently being made, and, we hope that very shortly parishioners will have the opportunity to sign them. There will be a small fee ($2.00 per family – to cover cost of fabric) for this privilege. After the quilt is finished, it will be hung in the back stairway where it will remain a tangible record of those members of the parish in this, our 90th anniversary year. Be sure you are included!

Quilt Show and Sale September 26, 2009 in St. Andrew’s Hall. 10:00 to 4:00. Admission only $3.00 (includes a cup of tea and sweet). We are asking parishioners who have "quilts with a story" to display them at the show. Condition does not matter; a quilt that is 125 years old and has been used will certainly show signs of wear. We want the STORY! Quilts do not have to be OLD to have a story Please contact Edith Steffens (876-7908 or stangcuda@yahoo.ca) by February 28 or speak to any of the other members of the committee: Emily Rhyno, Marion Boutilier and Donna Ruggles. The committee could fill the church with their own quilts, but we want representation from the whole parish as well as the community.


Anyone who would like Offering Envelopes please see the Greeter/ Sidesperson on duty at the door or contact Rev. Mike or one of the Wardens

PWRDF: There are inmemorium cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.

The Sacred Heart Food Bank is in need of the following items: Peanut butter, jam, canned fruit, canned meat, soda crackers, tea, coffee, pancake mix, syrup, juice, ready made pudding and cookies.(no baby food please) Thank you for your continued support.

Anyone having a change in their address or telephone number, please contact Tom Richardson, 876-2165 so our Parish List may be updated.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: If you would like the name/s of loved ones written in the Book of Remembrance on the anniversary of their death, please call Tim Edwards at 876-7785. If possible, to ensure correct spelling, please give Tim the names in writing a week or two before the anniversary.

Anyone wishing to put a notice in the bulletin, please contact Judy Sanford 876-2080 (email: sanfof@eastlink.ca). I would appreciate having notices by Wednesday evenings please. Thank you.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Please pray for Matlosane (formerly Klerksdorp)(South Africa) the Rt. Revd. Stephen Molopi Diseko.


Parish of the Resurrection, Sydney: Rev. Frederick Rhymes & Rev. Valeria Rhymes

Diocese of Moosonee: St. James Memorial, Geraldton & St. John-in-the-

Wilderness, Longlac.

Pray for all people and their ministries in our Companion Dioceses of Moosonee, Keewatin and Niagara in Canada, and Manicaland in Zimbabwe.

Pray for the preparations being made for ‘Celebration 2010' in the Regions and the Diocese.



-God becoming known among the people.

- Those discerning a call to ordination.

- Companions on the Way Program.

- Parish Officers.

- Church Planning Conference in Toronto Feb. 17-19

PLEASE PRAY FOR:. Province of Ontario: Archbishop Caleb

Lawrence & Provincial Council

- Feb. 16 - Bishops’ Planning Day

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: - Morley & Doreen Boutilier, Wendy Boutilier, Blanche Boylan, Stephen & Denise Brown, Laurie & Karen Brunt, Russell & Lea Bryden; and their families

THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Richard, Roisin, Barb, Liz, Marshal.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Edward Stright, Charles Fraser, Edith Kathleen Eastwood. "Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN."