OUTREACH MINISTRY AT BLT SCHOOL – On February 27 the congregation at St. Andrew’s will again have the opportunity to contribute to the BLT Breakfast Program by making a monetary donation during the worship service. Remember: “Your spare change can add up to a big change in a student’s life.”
COUNTRY MUSIC SHOW – A Country Music Show will be held on Sunday, February 27th, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $8.00 each. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. Please contact Rev. Judie for tickets or more information. Phone 446-0229 or 452-0758
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – You are invited to the ECUMENICAL WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Service which will be held on Friday, March 4th at Timberlea Baptist Church beginning at 7:30 pm. This year the service highlights the country of Chile. It will be an evening of music, prayer and fellowship. Churches from the community will be participating. All are welcome.
PANCAKE SUPPER – The Ways and Means Committee will be having their Pancake Supper on Tuesday March 8, 2011 from 5-7 pm. A sign up poster is at the back of the church if you are able to help out in any way.
MARK THIS IMPORTANT DATE: The Acts Theatre Society: Ministry of Drama, New Glasgow, directed by playwright, George Henaut, will present A Celebration of Faith, a drama in three acts with music, on Saturday, April 2, 10:30 am – 3 pm, at St. Andrew’s Church. Lunch will be provided. Do plan to make this very special day a vital part of your Lenten devotion. A great day of blessing awaits us!
BIBLE STUDY GROUP – The Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon Bible Study Fellowship Groups will begin a study of John’s Gospel, chapters 17-21, and related parallel passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke. The Monday group will meet on March 7 and 21; the Tuesday group on March 1, 15 and 29. Rev. Ron will be very pleased to see you!
RECTOR’S OFFICE MEMORIALS – Memorial donations towards the construction costs of the Rector’s office are now being received. Donations in the amount of $110.00 ($100 plus $10 engraving) will allow contributors to place a memorial on a plaque to be located outside the office. There are twenty-four spaces for memorials. Once all spaces have been filled we will dedicate the office in memory of those identified on the plaque. If you wish to make a donation, please see either Rev. Mike or Rev. Judie. Thank you for your generosity
PWRDF; There are memorial cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.
Soup Labels and Postage Stamps: Thank you for your continuing support. Soup Labels must be whole, and Stamps have a least ¼” of envelope around them. We delivered 460 soup labels and almost 2 pounds of stamps to the ACW office in December, 2010.
FOOD BANK – The St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank is always in need of canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers and pudding. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for The Most Revd Dr John Chew, Archbishop of South East Asia & Bishop of Singapore; Suffragen Bishop of Singapore (South East Asia) – The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah.
PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and the Yukon
Pray for Archbishop John Privett and the Provincial Council.
Neil’s Harbour – The Rev Warren Huestis & Victoria.
St. Alban’s – Archdeacon Brenda Drake.
St. John The Baptist – The Rev. Gloria McClure-Fraser; The Rev Carl Fraser, Asst Priest.
Trinity Church & St Peter and St John – The Rev Peter Rafuse & Mary.
Retired Clergy and Widows
LET US GIVE THANKS for the Fresh Start Program.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Morley & Doreen Boutilier, Wendy Boutilier, Blanche Boylan, Stephen & Denise Brown, Laurie & Karen Brunt, Russell & Lea Bryden and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Roisin, Sue, Lindy, Minnie, Allan, Mitchell, Wayne, Andrea, Theresa.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Shawn Edwin Brunt, Harry King, David Lindsay Drummond, Mona Marie Dort, Madeline Bassett, Freeman W Welton. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN