COUNTRY MUSIC SHOW – COME ONE, COME ALL TO THE COUNTRY MUSIC SHOW on Sunday, January 30, 2011. Time – 7 pm – doors open at 6 pm. Adult tickets are $8.00 and children are $4.00. For advance tickets please see Rev. Judie or Linda Strachan. Phone 446-0229 or 452-0758.
SLEIGH RIDE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be sponsoring a sleigh ride at Hatfield Farms on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at 3:30 pm. Please sign the poster at the back of the church if you plan to attend. The prices are $8:00 plus tax for adults and $6:00 plus tax for children. Children under 2 are free. Everyone must sign a waiver which you can get from Wendy. We will return to the church hall afterwards for a homemade baked bean supper and hot dogs with brown bread, hot chocolate, etc.
ANNUAL MEETING – The Annual Meeting will be held next Sunday, January 30, 2011, immediately following the service. This is open to all members of the parish.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP – The Monday Bible Study Fellowship Group will meet on January 3, 17 and 31; the Tuesday Group on January 4 and 18, to complete our study of Hebrews. From February to April, as we journey with Jesus, during Lent, to the Cross and the Resurrection, we will study, in chronological order, John’s Gospel, chapters 17-21, with additional related information provided by the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Rev. Ron will be very pleased to see you!
RECTOR’S OFFICE MEMORIALS – Memorial donations towards the construction costs of the Rector’s office are now being received. Donations in the amount of $110.00 ($100 plus $10 engraving) will allow contributors to place a memorial on a plaque to be located outside the office. There are twenty-four spaces for memorials. Once all spaces have been filled we will dedicate the office in memory of those identified on the plaque. If you wish to make a donation, please see either Rev. Mike or Rev. Judie. Thank you for your generosity.
VOLUNTEER POSITIONS – Volunteers are needed to assist with doing the following: a) organizing the Sides Persons’ Schedules; b) chair the Outreach Committee. If you are interested in either of these positions or would like more information, please contact Renee at 876-2275.
PWRDF; There are memorial cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.
Soup Labels and Postage Stamps: Thank you for your continuing support. Soup Labels must be whole, and Stamps have a least ¼” of envelope around them. We delivered 460 soup labels and almost 2 pounds of stamps to the ACW office in December, 2010.
FOOD BANK – The St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank is always in need of canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers and pudding. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for Louisiana (Province IV, USA) with The Rt Revd Maurice Thompson
PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – Ecclesiastical Province of Canada
Pray for the Diocese of Fredericton with Archbishop Claude Miller
DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER – Prince Edward Island Region
Port Hill – The Rev Andrew Mortimer, Priest-in-Charge and Janet
St. Paul’s – Archdeacon John Clare and Theresa; The Rev Madonna Fradsham, Deacon, and Clar; The Rev Jay Macdonald, Assist Priest and Carol; The Rev Lorraine Quinn, Assist Priest and Milfred.
LET US GIVE THANKS for Education for Ministry Groups
PLEASE PRAY FOR Parishes in Transition.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: E & M Vardy, Goldie Vey, Terry & Valarie Wadden, Rev Ronald Walker, Stephen & Juanita Waller, Robert Watson and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Roisin, Sue, Lindy, Minnie, Allan, Mitchell, Wayne, Andrea, Theresa.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Kenneth Charles Foster Richardson, Roland Fraser, Nobel Walker. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN