For pastoral emergencies, contact Rev. Michael Conrad, 445-0719 or 876-2963 or Rev. Judie Lafford (Associate Priest) 446–0229. For other matters, contact the wardens: Linda Strachan, 876-0292, or Lloyd Miller, 876-8508.
The schedule of meetings for the Monday and Tuesday Bible Study Groups is as follows: Mondays, February 1st and 15th, 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Tuesday, February 2nd, 2:00pm - 3:30pm. No meeting on Shrove Tuesday, February 16th, as it is Pancake Supper Time! Do come and join with us, as we focus our hearts and minds on God’s Holy Word!
There is a need for volunteers to deliver the groceries to the local food bank at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish. If interested, please contact Renee at
2010 MINISTRIES THAT ARE NEEDED: Someone to volunteer to do our weekly bulletin. Also, new choir members are welcome. Anyone willing to do any one of these ministries, please contact Rev. Mike, Rev. Judie or the Wardens, Linda and Lloyd. Thank you.
St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is having a Sleigh Ride on February 28th at 3:30 pm at Hatfield Farms. Adults will cost $8 plus tax and children will be $6 plus tax. There is a sign up poster at the back of the church for all those interested in going. This is for all ages from infants to 99 years. There will be a bean supper in the church hall following the sleigh ride. Please pray for snow! All those attending will be required to sign a waiver, which are attached to the bottom of the poster. These must be brought with you the day of the ride.
Attention all youth between the ages of 10 and 17! If you have a flair and interest in performing, the Fort Sackville region will be forming a Puppet Troupe. The program, open to youth between the ages of 10 & 17, will relate to all details of preparing and performing a puppet show on the biblical theme of The Road to Emmaus, to be performed after Easter. See the poster at the back of the church for more information or register by going on line at: www.LionandLamb.ca
Soup Labels and Stamps: Thank you for your continuin support. Soup Labels must be whole, and Stamps have at least 1/4" of envelope around them.
February is Heart Month. The Heart & Stroke Foundation needs volunteer canvassers for Glengarry Estates Subdivision. If you can help, please phone Jinny Giza at 876-8510. Thank you.
Your 2010 Offering Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Anyone who would like offering envelopes please see the Greeter/ Sidesperson on duty at the door, or call Erica Orlando at 876-8396.
Prayer Group meets Wednesday mornings, from 10:30 - 11:30. All are welcome.
A NOTE FROM THE CHOIR: We are currently learning the music of the Sewanee service (the music to be used in the Celebration 2010 service). The first music we are learning is the Kyrie (Lord, Have Mercy), followed by the Gloria and the Sanctus and Benedictus. When we are familiar enough with this music, it will be gradually introduced into the Eucharist service. The various selections will also be played on the piano or organ before the service each Sunday.
The 2010 Diocesan Service will be held in June at the Exhibition Park. If you are interested in attending this service, please sigh the poster at the back of the church because there is limited seating. If you would like to make a Memorial Donation towards the cost of the service bulletins, the flowers or the bread and wine, please take a form from the bottom of the poster. These memorial donation forms are self-explanatory but if you have any questions you can contact Wendy at 443-4630.
Our Diocesan 2010 Celebration is fast approaching and commemorative pins are available for $3 each. Anyone who didn’t get a chance to sign their name to the sign up sheet over the past few weeks and would like one of these special pins, please see me after church any Sunday or phone Wendy at 443-4630. We do have some extra pins but they will go fast. If you ordered a pin, you can pick it up any Sunday.
Exploring the Heart of Christianity: On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, Rev. Mike Conrad invites you to join in a study of the book, The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. Borg is a contemporary biblical scholar who encourages us to be open to an emerging paradigm for Christianity in the 21st century. Our study will open some new possibilities and provides material for some great discussions.
Hall/Kitchen Renovations: Of the $30,000 fundraising goal for the past two years expenditures, over $15,000 has been raised so far. Thank
you for your continued support for this much needed project.
The Weekly Bulletin, Cycles of Prayer and Rector’s Report are now available on our Parish Web Site (http://blthanglicans.ca) , under the "Parishioners Section". To access this information along with Council Minutes, Monthly Financial Statements and Annual Reports, you will need the username (blthparish) and password (876mmlj).
PWRDF: There are inmemorium cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.
The Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish Food Bank is in need of the following items: Peanut butter, jam, canned fruit, canned meat, soda crackers, tea, coffee, pancake mix, syrup, juice, ready made pudding and cookies.(no baby food please) Thank you for your continued support.
Anyone having a change in their address or telephone number, please contact Tom Richardson 876-2165.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: If you would like the name/s of loved ones written in the Book of Remembrance on the anniversary of their death, please call Tim Edwards at 876-7785. If possible, to ensure correct spelling, please give Tim the names in writing a week or two before the anniversary.
Anyone wishing to put a notice in the bulletin, please contact Judy Sanford 876-2080 (email: sanfof@eastlink.ca). I would appreciate having notices by Wednesday evenings please. Thank you.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Ploynesia Aoteraroa, the Most Revd. William Brown Turei.
St. Peter’s Cathedral, Charlottetown: Rev. Canon Peter Harris, Rev. David Harris, Asst. Priest & Valerie, Rev. Canon Walter Harris, Hon. Asst., Rev. Canon Robert Tuck, Hon. Asst. & Catherine.
St. Mary’s & St. John’s, PEI: Rev. Karen Quirk & Alexander, Rev. Ned
Henthorn, Asst. Priest & Arlene.
Pray for all people and their ministries in our Companion Diocese of Moosonee, particularly: St. Peter’s, Waskaganish, Quebec and St. Mark’s, Eastmain, Quebec.
Pray for the preparations being made for ‘Celebration 2010' in the Regions and the Diocese.
- The Ministry of Parish Officers
- Lenten Study Programs
- Anglican - Lutheran Sharing
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Diocese of Monreal - Bishop Barry Clarke
- Feb. 6 - Consultation on Youth Ministry.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: - Christie Grandy, Cyril & Marie Griffen, Jason & Kristina Griffin, Olive Hackett, Kevin & Joyce Hatcher, Terence & Trina Hatcher; and their families.
THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Roisin, Barb, Liz, Sue.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Bishop George Feversham Arnold, Aubrey L. Sawler, Wayne D. Sawler, Frances Constance Smith, Arnold Farrell Woodworth Dauphinee, Janet Benight. Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN."