BREAKFAST BUCKET – This morning is Breakfast Bucket 
Sunday.   St. Andrews contributed $929.58 to the BLT Schools Breakfast Program in 2015.  Thank you for supporting this Outreach.

ANNUAL MEETING – The Annual Meeting of the Parish will be held today January 31, 2016, immediately following the service.  A light lunch will be provided by Council Members.

ST. ANDREW’S LADIES GROUP – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will meet this Thursday, February 4, 2016, in the Fellowship Room at 7 pm.  New members are always welcome.

FAMILY IN NEED – It was brought to our attention that a family’s main breadwinner was injured and is unable to work due to the injuries he sustained.  The mother is employed at a minimum wage job and has had to take some time off to look after her husband.  We were approached to provide some financial help for this family.  If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause, please put your money in an envelope and mark it “Family in Need” and put it on the offering plate.  All moneys collected will be given directly to the family.  Any questions you may have can be directed to the Wardens, Rick Morash or Keith Fraser.  (contact information is on the back of the bulletin)

PANCAKE SUPPER – Our annual Pancake Supper will be held on February 9, 2016, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.  A sign up poster has been hung at the back of the church for donations and workers.  Please help where you can.  All donations are greatly appreciated.

BAKED BEAN AND BROWN BREAD LUNCHEON – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is planning a Baked Bean Luncheon to be held after church on February 28th.  There will be a Free Will Offering.  Please plan on attending and warm your hearts and souls with homemade baked beans.  There will be an alternate meal for the children.

LOOKING FOR READERS – If you would like to be part of the Reading Group for the reading of Scripture on Sunday mornings, please contact Wendy Wells at (902) 229-4172 or speak to her after church on Sunday.  This is a rewarding ministry and we are always looking for new readers.

NOTICES FOR BULLETINS – All notices for the bulletin should be sent to Wendy either by email or phone message by NO LATER than 5 PM Thursday evenings.  Anything that arrives after that time will not be printed until the following Sunday.  Thank you. Email and phone info are on back of bulletin cover.

OUTREACH - Please remember to keep Rev. Marilyn informed of any new Outreach Activities at St. Andrews.  In this way our Parish Council and Members of the congregation are regularly kept up to date.  Thank you.

CHURCH WEBSITE – For those of you who may not be aware, St. Andrew’s Church has a website. Our web address is:  www.blthanglicans.ca   Parts of the site are password protected.  The information you need to assess these parts is:  User name:  blthparish.
Password:  876mmlj.  We are currently working on a new site and hope to have it up and running sometime this year.



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for The Anglican Church of Burundi The Most Revd Bernard Ntahoturi Archbishop of the Province of Burundi & Bishop of Matana.

OF RUPERT’S LAND:   Acting Metropolitan Bishop Donald Phillips and the Provincial Council.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR:Parishes involved with Refugee Sponsorship.
PLEASE PRAY FOR:Parish Annual Meetings.

St. Peter’s Cathedral & Holy Trinity: The Reverend David Garrett;
The Reverend Ralph Moore, Assistant Priest, and Bonnie.
St. Mary and St. John: The Reverend Jenny Sharp; The Reverend Ned Henthorn, Assistant Priest, and Arlene.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Betty Fleet, Beth Foote,
Doug & Alice Forbes, Allan Francis, Brian & Marie Fraser,
Keith & Anne Fraser and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Rosemary, Jacqueline, Catherine

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Bishop George Feversham, Aubrey L Sawler, Wayne D Sawler, Frances Constance Smith, Arnold Farrell Woodworth Dauphinee, Janet Eleanor Benight.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN