PRE-AUTHORIZED REMITTANCES (PAR) – For those parishioners who may be interested, we offer the option of supporting your church by way of pre-authorized remittances. Once enrolled in the program, the amount selected by you is automatically transferred from your bank account on the 1st or15th of each month. Your contribution is deposited to the St. Andrew’s bank account. This program is administered by the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. For further information please contact the Parish Treasurer, Bev Higgins at 876-7240 or email: bev.higgins@iwk.nshealth.ca.
FUND RAISING FOR THE CHURCH – At the June meeting of Parish Council fund raising was discussed and the following fund raisers will be held in the fall: Lobster Dinner, Monthly Lunches after Church, Christmas Turkey Supper, and the Children’s Christmas Sale. If anyone has any other ideas for a Fund Raiser that they would like to do, or if you would like to help with the fund raisers,
please speak to one of the Wardens, Linda or Rick M.
USED BOOKS – There are a number of used books and Bibles on a table at the back of the church. Please help yourself and take whatever books you would like. They are free!
THANK YOU – To each and every member of the congregation who called, sent cards, came to the hospital, brought food and treats. Each act of kindness was gladly received and very much appreciated. A most sincere “Thank You.” – Bev and Myril
A note of thanks to Judy Sanford for looking after the bulletin for the past two months. Your help was greatly appreciated.
PRAY for The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea The Rt Revd Clyde Igara Archbishop of Papua New Guinea & Bishop of Dogura
PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA:Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island – Bishop Ron Cutler.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR: Opportunities for rest and relaxation.
PLEASE PRAY FOR:Safe travels for vacationers.
St. John’s: The Rev. Randy Townsend and Debbie.
Fall River: The Rev. Lynn Uzans, Priest-in-Charge and Elmer; The Rev. David Chapman, Assistant Priest and Linda; The Rev. Jim Reid, Honorary Assistant and Beryl.
French Village: The Rev. Brieanna Andrews and Danny; The Rev Richard Walsh, Honorary Assistant.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: George & Denise MacDonald, Norma MacDonald, Scott MacDonald & Sarah Downey, Flos MacFarlane, Lorne & Lorraine MacLellan, Kevin & Lily Mahar and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Roisin, Cheryl, Daisy, Carol, Kathy, Krista,
Rev’d Gordon Relf, Michael.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Aubrey Fraser, Cyril Robert Wells, Ruth Dorothy Gilkie. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN