St. Andrew's Offering Summary
Month Year-to Date
  Actual Budget Actual Budget
January $ 9,281 $ 7,210 $ 9,281 $ 7,210
February $ 6,887 $ 6,380 $ 16, 168 $ 13,590
March $ 8,217 $ 8,970 $ 24,385 $ 22,560
April $ 9,021 $ 9,630 $ 33,406 $ 32,190

The 300 Fund for Lay Training is our legacy for the future of our church's training of lay people. It will be used to help lay people develop their gifts for the work of our church through education. Your contribution will enable our church to move forward with informed and empowered lay people. Please give generously.

2010 300th Anniversary Service will be held today, June 6th at 3:00 p.m. at Exhibition Park. There will be a hymn sing beginning at 2:15 p.m. Please arrive early for a good seat. There is plenty of free parking. The offering from this service will be given to the 300 Fund for Lay Training.

Diocesan History Book 1710-2010 by Dr. Brian Cuthbertson. This book will be available at the Anniversary Service for $35.00 per copy.
As a parish if we order 20 or more copies, we can obtain them for $30 each. If there is anyone who wishes to purchase a copy, please let me know. - Wendy (443-4630)


PWRDF: There are immemorial cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.

Soup Labels and Stamps: Thank you for your continuing support. Soup Labels must be whole, and Stamps have at least ¼" of envelope around them.

There is a shortage of the following food items for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank - canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers, and pudding. Thank you for your continued support.


Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico, The Most Rev. Carlos Touche-Porter, Presiding Bishop & Bishop of Mexico.

PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE - Ecclesiastical Province of Canada
We pray for the Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island, Bishop Sue Moxley and Suffragan Bishop Ron Cutler.

Chebucto Region - Falkland & Purcell's Cove - The Rev. Allen Frye, Priest-in-Charge, & Dianna; St. Augustine's, Jollimore - The Rev. John Scott.

Pray for the Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for Three Hundred Years of Continuous Presence and Worship, Exhibition Park, Halifax, NS

Pray for all people and their ministries in our Companion Diocese of Moosonee, particularly: St. Stephen's Calstock - The Rev. Deborah Lonergan-Freake & James; Retired Clergy residing outside the Diocese of Moosonee: The Rev. Frank Mason.

Let us give thanks for faithful lay ministers in the Diocese of NSPEI.

We pray for the General Synod Meeting, June 3-11, at St. Mary's University in Halifax.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Goldie Vey, Terry & Valarie Wadden, Rev. Ron Walker, Stephen & Juanita Waller, Robert Watson, Mervin & Valarie Weagle & their families.

THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Roisin, Sue, Erma, Una, Lindy

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Dora Florence Hibberd, Maxwell Gillett, John Lewis Hudson. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN