NIGHT PRAYERAn Order of Compline will be held every Wednesday evening during Lent at 7 pm.

MEN’S BREAKFAST - The Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 21st at 8 am.  They would appreciate the help of 3 people to set up and 3 people for cleanup.  For more information call Don at 431-4047 or email puppadon@hotmail.com

FUNDSCRIP – The next order date for Fundscrip is March 22, 2015.  Pay for and pick up your order March 29, 2015. Please give your completed form to Rick M or Linda S.  St. Andrew’s thanks you for your support.  Payment is due when you receive your gift cards.

RECYCLING WORKSHOPParish Council is having a Recycling Workshop on Saturday, March 28th, at 10:00 am in the church hall.  Cathy Trafford from HRM will be the facilitator.  All committees and groups in the church, as well as the groups who use the hall, are asked to send a representative to this workshop.  This is open to all members of the congregation as well.  Big changes are coming in August to our garbage pick up and we need to be ready.  If you need more info, please contact Wendy or a member of council.

BREAKFAST BUCKET - Thank you for your February contribution in the amount of $71.80 towards the BLT School Breakfast Program.  The next Breakfast Bucket Sunday will be on Palm Sunday, March 29.

SOUP AND CHILI LUNCH – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having a Soup and Chili Lunch on Palm Sunday, March 29th after the 10:30 am service. There will be an alternate dish for children with the initials KD.  Come and join us for some fellowship as we journey together to the Cross and Resurrection.  There will be a free will offering.

YARD SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having their spring Yard Sale on April 18th from 9 – 12 noon.  We are looking for household items, good clean used clothing especially children’s, books, games, toys, etc.  We can no longer take electronics or encyclopedias.  You can bring your donations to church and store them on the stage anytime after March 12th.  For more info speak to any member of the group.

LENTEN COIN CARDS - Due to the cost of the Lenten Coin Cards it was decided that we would use envelopes for Lent instead of the coin cards this year.  However, there are some coin cards left over from previous years, so if you would prefer a coin card please speak to one of Wardens and they will gladly provide you with one while quantities last.



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Missouri - (VI, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Wayne Smith

PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA: Diocese of Central Newfoundland Bishop David Torraville.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR.:  Students at the Atlantic School of Theology and at the University of King’s College.
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Those who are confirmed and those preparing for confirmation.

Canso:  vacant
Three Harbours:  The Reverend Sue Channen and Bob MacMillan.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Basil Petitpas & Charlene Goguen, Walter & Audrey Pilon, Tommy Pinsent, Jim & Sharon Polkinghorne, Rev Mark Pretty, Kathy Proctor and their families.


BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Effie H Sawler, Carl Edward Dauphinee, Linda O’Regan, Amelia Parsons.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN