For pastoral emergencies, contact Rev. Michael Conrad, 445-0719 or 876-2963 or Rev. Judie Lafford (Associate Priest) 446–0229. For other matters, contact the wardens: Lloyd Miller, 876-8508, or Renee Fraser 876-2275
Anyone wishing to place flowers in the church for Easter in memory of loved ones, please contact Linda Strachan 876-0292 no later than Wed., March 31st in order to have the names included in our bulletin.
For those of you wishing to book the church hall for a future function, you can access the "Hall Booking Calendar" on the church website, under the "Parishioners Section" to view what dates are free. Then, contact the Wardens, Renee or Lloyd, to book the hall.
TONIGHT! "COME ONE, COME ALL!" March 21st, 2010
The Spiritual Development Committee and the Ladies Group welcomes you to join us in an evening of fellowship and worship beginning at 5 pm. with a Pot Luck Supper, followed by an evening of worship and presentation of the Hamlin’s journey to the Holy Land. Any questions, please contact Rev. Mike 876-2963 or Rev. Judie at 446-0229 or 452-0758.
The Bible Study Fellowship Groups have completed their studies, prior to the summer recess. Rev. Ron is most grateful and thankful for the faithful and insightful participation of all the members! On Tuesday, April 27,
5:30pm - 7pm, the members will join together for a Pot Luck Supper, and to enjoy a time of sharing, singing, and fellowship. More news will follow in due course, about our Study in September.
The Ladies Group are having their Spring Yard Sale on April 24th. Please! No TV’s, computers, encyclopedia’s, large furniture or car seats. Items can be brought in beginning after Sunday School on April 18th and put on the stage. Someone will be in the hall Friday, April 23rd from 9am - 12pm., and 7pm - 9pm to receive items. Any questions please call Linda Strachan at 876-0292.
The Ways & Means are selling Pies, $6 each. See the sign-up poster at the back of the church for all the different kinds.
General Synod 2010 - Volunteers needed. The General Synod of Canada will be held in Halifax June 2 -11, 2010. The Local Organizing Committee needs volunteers. If you are interested please go to the following web site and fill out the Volunteer Application Form: http://www.nspeidiocese.ca/gs2010/index.php If you have any questions, please contact Gordon Hamlin at 876-7300 or gordo.hamlin@ns.sympatico.ca http://nspeidiocese.ca/gs2010/index.php
Soup Labels and Stamps: Thank you for your continuing support. Soup Labels must be whole, and Stamps have at least 1/4" of envelope around them.
A NOTE FROM THE CHOIR: We are currently learning music of the Sewanee Service (to be used in the Celebration 2010 service); in fact, for the past several weeks we have sung the Kyrie. We are learning the Gloria, but, since Lent will soon be here, it will not be introduced until Easter. Shortly we expect to introduce the Sanctus and Benedictus in our weekly liturgy. All the music from this service will continue to be played before service each Sunday, in hopes that the congregation will become familiar with it.
There is a shortage of the following food items for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank - canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers, and pudding. Thank you for your continued support.
Prayer Group meets Wednesday mornings, from 10:30 - 11:30. All are welcome.
2010 MINISTRIES THAT ARE NEEDED: Someone to volunteer to
do our weekly bulletin. Also, new choir members are welcome. Anyone willing to do any one of these ministries, please contact Rev. Mike, Rev. Judie or the Wardens, Lloyd and Renee. Thank you.
Anyone who would like offering envelopes please see the Greeter/ Sidesperson on duty at the door, or call Erica Orlando at 876-8396.
The 2010 Diocesan Service will be held in June at the Exhibition Park. If you are interested in attending this service, please sigh the poster at the back of the church because there is limited seating. If you would like to make a Memorial Donation towards the cost of the service bulletins,
the flowers or the bread and wine, please take a form from the bottom
of the poster. These memorial donation forms are self-explanatory but if you have any questions you can contact Wendy at 443-4630.
Our Diocesan 2010 Celebration is fast approaching and commemorative pins are available for $3 each. Anyone who didn’t get a chance to sign their name to the sign up sheet over the past few weeks and would like
one of these special pins, please see me after church any Sunday or phone Wendy at 443-4630. We do have some extra pins but they will go fast.
If you ordered a pin, you can pick it up any Sunday.
Exploring the Heart of Christianity: On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, Rev. Mike Conrad invites you to join in a study of the book, The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. Borg is a contemporary biblical scholar who encourages us to be open to an emerging paradigm for Christianity in the 21st century. Our study will open some new possibilities and provides material for some great discussions.
The Weekly Bulletin, Cycles of Prayer and Rector’s Report are now available on our Parish Web Site (http://blthanglicans.ca) , under the "Parishioners Section". To access this information along with Council Minutes, Monthly Financial Statements and Annual Reports, you will
need the username (blthparish) and password (876mmlj).
PWRDF: There are inmemorium cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.
Anyone having a change in their address or telephone number, please contact Tom Richardson 876-2165.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: If you would like the name/s of loved ones written in the Book of Remembrance on the anniversary of their death, please call Tim Edwards at 876-7785. If possible, to ensure correct spelling, please give Tim the names in writing a week or two before the anniversary.
Anyone wishing to put a notice in the bulletin, please contact Judy Sanford 876-2080 (email: sanfof@eastlink.ca). I would appreciate having notices by Wednesday evenings please. Thank you.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for The Liturgical Consulation, its participants and secretary, as they resource, promote and strengthen the worshiping life of the Communion.
Anglican Churches of Pictou County: Archdeacon Peter Armstrong & Nancy; Rev. Aidan Kingsbury, Asst. Priest, & Ruth; Rev. Bill White, Asst. Priest, & Martha.
Liscomb with Port Bickerton: Rev. Melissa Frankland & Kevin.
Pray for all people and their ministries in our Companion Diocese of Moosonee, particularly: St. Peter’s-on-the-Rock, Kirkland and St. Paul’s, Virginiatown.
Pray for the preparations being made for ‘Celebration 2010' in the Regions and the Diocese.
- Training programs for lay and ordained ministries.
- New members of Parish Councils.
- Mothering Sunday and its traditions.
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Diocese of Western Newfoundland
Bishop Percy Coffin
- Building Regional Ministry Teams.
March 24-25 - Clergy Quiet Time with Renewal of Ordination Vows
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: - Dorothy Hubley, Connie Hudson, Shelley Hudson, John & Margie Hunt, Maria Jones, David & Angela Keefe; and their families.
THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Roisin, Barb, Sue, Erma.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Gordon Dort, Geraldine DeWolfe, Mary Gertrude (Betty) MacKenzie, Clyde Yates, Lucy Stevenson Elliot, Hugh Kenneth Fraser, Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN."