April 2 – Maundy Thursday – 7 pm Holy Eucharist
April 3 – Good Friday – 7 pm Service of Tenebrae (candle light)
April 5 – Easter Sunday – 9 am Traditional BCP
                                          10:30 am Contemporary Service

BREAKFAST BUCKET – This morning is Breakfast Bucket Sunday.  All money collected goes to the BLT Elementary School Breakfast Program.

SOUP AND CHILI LUNCH – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group invites everyone to join us in the hall after the service for a Soup and Chili Lunch.  There will be Kraft Dinner for the children and anyone who doesn’t like soup or chili.  Come and join us for some fellowship as we journey together to the Cross and Resurrection.  There will be a free will offering.

FLOWERS FOR EASTER - Anyone who is placing flowers in the church for Easter, please get your info to me by Wednesday, April 1st, so it can be included in the Easter bulletin.

YARD SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having their spring Yard Sale on April 19th from 9-12 noon.  We are looking for household items, good clean used clothing, especially children’s, books, games, toys, etc.  We can no longer take electronics or encyclopedias or car seats.  You can bring your donations to church and store them on the stage anytime after March 12th.  For more info speak to any member of the group.

THINK TANK COMMITTEEAll groups and committees in the church are being asked to do a fund raiser to help with the deficit.  It could be a luncheon after church, or a contest to see who makes the best chili, or a bake sale, etc.  Use you imagination.  When your group decides on something, please let Rev. Mark know the date you have chosen ant the event you will be doing.

OUTREACH – Rev Marilyn Hamlin is coordinating all the outreach St. Andrew’s Church does in our community and beyond.  If there is anyone or any group in the church doing outreach that we aren’t aware of, please let Rev. Marilyn know.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Jerusalem - (Jerusalem & Middle East) The Rt Revd Suheil Dawani.

PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA:  National Indigenous Bishop and the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, Bishop Mark McDonald.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR. our Lenten journey in preparation for the Paschal Mystery and celebration of Easter.
PLEASE PRAY FOR. that religious groups may work together for peace and justice.

St. George’s:  The Reverend Lidvald Haugen-Strand, and Marilyn.
Strait-Chedabucto: The Reverend Evelyn Knorr and Basil.
Retired Clergy in Northumbria Region: The Reverend Cecil Hebb and Mildred; The Reverend Peter MacRae and Helen; The Reverend Bill White and Martha.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  John & Dena Richardson, Ken & Dorothy Richardson, Shawn & Nicole Rideout, Sean & Belinda Riles, Opal Rockwell, Bryan & Linda Roe and their families.


BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Howard Walker, Laurance Alexander Dellapinna, James Nicol Walkey, Geraldine Edith Thompson.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN