SPECIAL SPEAKER – On Thursday evening, the Ladies Group had a speaker from the Marguerite Centre.  We would like to thank Christine Taylor and Chris Rankin for talking openly to us about the centre and the people they help.  It was very interesting to learn so much more about the centre as we have been donating leftover food from suppers to them for several years.  This is a great outreach for our church and congregation.  A big thank you goes to Erica Orlando for making this happen.  The centre can always use volunteers to help with drives to appointments, answering the phone and some office work, etc.  If anyone is interested, please see Wendy for volunteer information.

MID-WEEK SERVICES – Please note the following change to church service times during Lent.  The mid-week services will take place at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evening rather than 2:00 pm Thursday afternoons.

BOOK STUDY GROUP – The Book Study Group will meet again on Thursday, March 15th at 2:00 pm.

PARISH COUNCIL – Parish Council will meet this Thursday, March 8, 2012, at 7:00 pm.  Committee Chairs are asked to get their reports to Angela if you haven’t already done so.

YARD SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having a Yard Sale on April 21st from 9:00 am to 12 noon.  We will be looking for good, clean used clothing, books, toys, household items, plants, shoes, purses, etc.  We can no longer accept electronic items such as TV’s, computers and computer equipment, encyclopedias, and large furniture items, as we have no way of disposing of these if they do not sell.  For more information, contact any member of the group.

MAIL SLOTSAll parishioners are reminded to periodically check their mail slots in the church foyer.  At the present time, there are many uncollected envelopes in the slots and these contain the tax receipts for those members who made offerings in 2011.



RECTOR’S OFFICE MEMORIALS – Memorial donations towards the construction costs of the Rector’s office are now being received.  Donations in the amount of $110.00 ($100 plus $10 engraving) will allow contributors to place a memorial on a plaque to be located outside the office.  There are twenty-four spaces for memorials.  Once all spaces have been filled we will dedicate the office in memory of those identified on the plaque.  If you wish to make a donation, please see either Rev. Mike or Rev. Judie.  Thank you for your generosity

CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS AND POSTAGE STAMPS – Thank you for your continuing support of two ACW projects:  Postage stamps and Campbell’s soup labels.  The requirement for stamps have been changed:  They no longer have to have ¼” margin of envelope around them; simply tear most of the envelope away, being careful not to tear the stamp.  The soup labels have to be complete and in one piece; that is, with no staples or Scotch tape.

FOOD BANK – The St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank is always in need of canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers and pudding.  They are currently running short on the following food items:  boxes of cereal, cookies, and jello. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER:   Pray for The Church of England, The Most Revd and Rt Hon Dr Rowan Douglas Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.

PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA – The Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador with Bishop Cyrus Pitman.
Retired Clergy – The Rev Canon Fev Arnold & Joyce; The Rev Gordon Grancelli & Georgina; The Rev Dennis Hayward & Deb; The Rev Glen Kent & Glenda; The Rev Canon Gordon Pyke & Eleanor; The Rev Weldon Smith.
Clergy Widows – Mrs Florence Burton; Mrs Jean Mitchell; Mrs Laurie Wainwright.

LET US GIVE THANKS FOR Sunday Schools, children and teachers.


OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Wayne & Natasha Osmond, Clifford & Joyce Otto, Rick & Erica Orlando, David & Christian Patchell, Helen Payne, John & Jeannette Pelley and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Roisin, Sue, Mitchell, Andrea, Cheryl, Daisy,  Baby Zander Godsoe-Sheppard, Krista

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Laura M Sawler, Mae G Welton, Anthony Roland Ninos, Edgehill Lawson Publicover, George Raine.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN