PRAY FOR BAGHDAD CHRISTIANSDear All, Please add the Christian community in Baghdad, Iraq, to your prayers, and St. Bede’s Anglican Church.  ISIS is two miles from this largely Christian city and there is great fear of the atrocities ISIS will commit.

JUSTICE TOURCome to pray, engage and learn what faith communities are saying and doing about climate change and poverty.  Find our how your voice can help!
This cross-Canada ‘Justice Tour’ is sponsored by and features leaders of the Canadian Council of Churches and local concerned Christians of various church connections eager to support each other in work for justice foe all.  Tea and sweets served.  Come and bring others:
Monday May 11th, 7:00-9:00 PM; St. Agnes Parish, 6903 Mumford Rd, Halifax.  For more infor contact:  Bob Britton (1-902-429-9800x307 or bbritton@halifaxyarmouth.org

CHURCH PROPERTY CLEAN-UP – A spring clean up of the Church Property has been scheduled for May 23rd.  The rain date will be May 30th.  We will meet at 9:00 am.  All are welcome, young and old to help with the clean up.  Don’t forget to bring your rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, etc.

BLT BREAKFAST BUCKET – Thank you for your April contributions to the BLT Breakfast Bucket.  The amount delivered to the school was $163.00. They were very appreciative of your generosity here at St. Andrew’s.  The next “Bucket Sunday” will be held on May 31st at which time we will welcome representatives from the BLT Breakfast Program at the 10:30 am worship service.

RENEWAL OF VOWSStephanie and Glen LeBlanc are celebrating 10 years of Love and Marriage and want to share this with you in a renewal of vows ceremony on May 23rd.  The ceremony starts at 7 pm in the church and a reception will follow in the hall.

PWRDF – The PWRDF is responding to the recent earthquake in Nepal with an initial grant of $20,000.  Additional donations to the PWRDF between April 25th and May 25th for the earthquake relief efforts will be matched, dollar for dollar, by the Government of Canada.  This money will be used to provide humanitarian relief in the wake of this catastrophe.  If you wish to make a donation to the PWRDF, please use an envelope, mark it “Nepal Earthquake” and place in on the offering plate.  PWRDF will continue to be in contact with the ACT Alliance offices in Kathmandu who will determine what the greatest needs are.  At the present time food, water, shelter and medical supplies are of the utmost importance.  Thank you.

THINK TANK COMMITTEEAll groups and committees in the church are being asked to do a fund raiser to help with the deficit.  It could be a luncheon after church, or a contest to see who makes the best chili, or a bake sale, etc.  Use you imagination.  When your group decides on something, please let Rev. Mark know the date you have chosen ant the event you will be doing.

OUTREACH – Rev Marilyn Hamlin is coordinating all the outreach St. Andrew’s Church does in our community and beyond.  If there is anyone or any group in the church doing outreach that we aren’t aware of, please let Rev. Marilyn know.

NOTICES FOR BULLETINPlease have all notices for the bulletin emailed or phoned to Wendy by no later than Thursday, at 5 pm sharp.  Email and phone number are on the back of the bulletin.  Thank you.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Nike - (Enugu, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Evans Jonathan Ibeagha.

PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA:  The Primate and the Council of General Synod, Archbishop Fred Hiltz.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR. the Ministry of the ACW and Mother’s Union.
PLEASE PRAY FOR.Teens Encounter Christ Weekend, May 16-18.


St. Luke’s:  The Reverend Matthew Sponagle, and Katie;
The Reverend Debra Burleson,  Honorary Associate, and Chris.
St. John’s:  The Reverend David Puxley and Katie.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Wendy Wells, Jamie & Sarah
Wile, Nicole Williams & Derek Cowie, Chuck & Jen Williams, Darlene
Adams, Pat Alguire and their families.


BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Reta Parsons, Frank Gilkie, Reginald Jewers, Rebecca Susan Pack, Mary Irene Tanswell, Alice Swindells.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN