Bulletin Board

For pastoral emergencies, contact Rev. Michael Conrad, 861-2493 or 876-2963 or Rev. Judie Lafford (Associate Priest) 446–0229. For other matters, contact the wardens: Linda Strachan, 876-0292, or Lloyd Miller, 876-8508.

Rev. Ron conveys his sincere thanks and appreciation to all the church family for making his 45th Anniversary of Church Army ministry such a joyous celebration and memorable occasion! Your beautiful cards and expressions of Christ’s love are never to be forgotten. You are a wonderful people of God!

Sunday School Picnic will take place next Sunday, June 7th following the 10:30am service, at Rev. Judie’s home (22 Clearwater Dr.). If the weather doesn’t cooperate and it rains, the picnic will be held at the Church. There will be hot dogs, cake, and games. All are welcome.

A Memorial Processional Cross will be Dedicated on Sunday, July 19th, in loving memory of Geraldine Walker, from Rev. Ron and his family. In the Church today is a "Treasure of Memories" Book, placed by the Font. Rev. Ron, Dennis and Heather, would greatly value and treasure the written memories the people of the church family have of Gerry, and of any member who would wish to express a thought, not having known Gerry. The artistic contribution to the Book by both Connie Hudson and Tim Edwards is so greatly appreciated.

We are please to announce that Mr. George Henaut will be the guest preacher on July 19th. George and Pauline Henaut live on Terrace Street, New Glasgow overlooking the East River. Their gardens have received national recognition. Both are involved with Acts Theatre Society: Ministry of Drama and are part of the leadership team at St. George’s Anglican Church, New Glasgow. George holds graduate degrees in English, Administration and Curriculum from St. Francis Xavier University and the University of Toronto. He is a retired teacher and administrator. He was recognized nationally for his contribution to school libraries. He co-authored with Dr. Patrick Walsh, a ready reference handbook, English Essentials for Students and Teachers. He is the author of a book of short stories and numerous educational and religious articles that have been published nationally and internationally. In 1996, he completed his first novel, With Love, With Connie. He is the author of numerous dramas including: The Mystery of Faith, New Glasgow on Stage, A Christmas Wish, A Dickens’ Christmas which have been performed at the deCoste Entertainment Centre. He has created a series of Barbara Bonkers dinner theatres that have been hosted by dining-rooms and local churches throughout Pictou County.

The Bible Study Fellowship Groups will follow a new format, beginning in September, as follows: Rev. Ron will lead the Monday evening Bible Study, 7pm - 8:30pm weekly, beginning Monday, Sept. 14th. The Tuesday Bible Study, he will lead on the first, third, and fifth Tuesdays, 2pm - 3:30pm, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 1. Our study will be the Letters of Second and Third John, and Philemon. A selection of the Parables of Jesus, as found in the four Gospels, will complete our study. Rev. Mike is planning a study/discussion format - more details to come. We do look forward to an interesting and challenging exploration and discovery of all that God has prepared for us!

The Ways & Means will be having their last function until the fall. On June 11th., A Fish or Corn Chowder Luncheon will be held from 11:00am - 2:00pm. Adults $6.90, Children 5yrs - 12yrs $3.00, Under 5 yrs,

Free. Everyone welcome.

FUTURISTIC REVIEW: We are conducting a review of the total ministry in our parish. All parishioners are invited to participate by putting forward your comments, suggestions and recommendations. Any comment or suggestion, big or small, will be appreciated. Comments may be provided verbally, in writing or by e-mail. Also, a suggestion box has been placed at the back of the church.

REMINDER - Hall-Kitchen/Renovation Fund: We have reached 1/3 of our $30,000 target! Contributions are still needed. Thank you.

90th Anniversary Celebrations

The kerosene oil heater you see on the Chancel steps was used to heat the porch of the old St. Andrew’s Church on Fraser’s Rd. and was donated by the Gilkie Family . The church was erected and used from 1905 to 1956. Perched on top is Miss Ruth Gilkie’s choir hat, which she was never seen without in her many years with St. Andrew’s Choir.

The updated history of St. Andrew’s Church has now been completed and can be viewed on our web site.

Some other events to come:

Updated church history of St. Luke’s

September 19 - Country Fair

September 26 - Quilt Show

Campbell’s Soup Labels and Postage Stamps: Please keep bringing in your Campbell’s soup labels and cancelled postage stamps.

The Weekly Bulletin, Cycles of Prayer and Rector’s Report will no longer be e-mailed but are now available on our Parish Web Site (http://blthanglicans.ca) , under the "Parishioners Section". To access this information along with Council Minutes, Monthly Financial Statements and Annual Reports, you will need the username (blthparish) and password (876mmlj).

Anyone who would like Offering Envelopes please see the Greeter/ Sidesperson on duty at the door or contact Tom Richardson, 876-2165.

PWRDF: There are inmemorium cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.

The Sacred Heart Food Bank is in need of the following items: Peanut butter, jam, canned fruit, canned meat, soda crackers, tea, coffee, pancake mix, syrup, juice, ready made pudding and cookies.(no baby food please) Thank you for your continued support.

Anyone having a change in their address or telephone number, please contact Tom Richardson 876-2165.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: If you would like the name/s of loved ones written in the Book of Remembrance on the anniversary of their death, please call Tim Edwards at 876-7785. If possible, to ensure correct spelling, please give Tim the names in writing a week or two before the anniversary.

Anyone wishing to put a notice in the bulletin, please contact Judy Sanford 876-2080 (email: sanfof@eastlink.ca). I would appreciate having notices by Wednesday evenings please. Thank you.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for Ogbomoso (Province of Ibadan, Nigeria), The Rt. Revd. Matthew Osunade.


St. Matthias, Hfx.: Rev. William Sheppard, Priest-in-Charge, & Elizabeth.

St. Paul’s, Hfx.: Rev. Dr. Paul Friesen & Janet. Rev. Canon Gordon Redden, Hon. Asst., & Mary Lu.

St. Philip’s, Hfx.: Rev. Dr. Brian Spence. Rev. Heather MacEachern, Deacon, & Blair.

Diocese of Moosonee: St. Paul’s, South Porcupine- Rev. Bruce Roberts & Pat. St. Chad’s, Schumacher. St. John’s, Chapleau. St. John’s, Foleyet.

Pray for all people and their ministries in our Companion Diocese of Moosonee in Canada, and Manicaland in Zimbabwe.

Pray for the preparations being made for ‘Celebration 2010' in the Regions and the Diocese.



- Our World Wide Communion

- The work of Regional Deans and Archdeacons.

- The ministry of Archbishop Bruce Stavert.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Diocese of Quebec: Archbishop Bruce Stavert

& Bishop Dennis Drainville

May 31 - Installation of Dennis Drainville as Bishop of Quebec.

June 6 - ACW P.E.I. Board Annual Meeting.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: - Greg & Ellen Lynch, Brenda MacDonald, Norma MacDonald, Scott MacDonald & Sarah Downey, Flos MacFarlane, Lorne & Lorraine MacLellan; and their families

THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Roisin, Barb, Liz, Marshal, Sue, Andrea.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: William Simms Lee, Archbishop William Wallace Davis. "Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN."