For pastoral emergencies, contact Rev. Michael Conrad, 861-2493 or 876-2963 or Rev. Judie Lafford (Associate Priest) 446–0229. For other matters, contact the wardens: Linda Strachan, 876-0292, or Lloyd Miller, 876-8508.

The NEW schedule for the Monday evening Bible Study Fellowship Group will change from weekly to 1st, 3rd, and 5th Monday evening meetings,

7 pm - 8:30pm. The Tuesday afternoon group schedule remains the same. For the remainder of 2009, the Monday group will meet on November 2nd and 16th. The Tuesday group will meet on , November 3rd and 17th. Everyone is invited to this very special time of fellowship, and sharing our hearts and minds, as God speaks to us through his holy Word!

Prayer Group meets Wednesday mornings, from 10:30 - 11:30. All are welcome.

A NOTE FROM THE CHOIR: We are currently learning the music of the Sewanee service (the music to be used in the Celebration 2010 service). The first music we are learning is the Kyrie (Lord, Have Mercy), followed by the Gloria and the Sanctus and Benedictus. When we are familiar enough with this music, it will be gradually introduced into the Eucharist service. The various selections will also be played on the piano or organ before service, beginning today.

Exploring the Heart of Christianity: On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, Rev. Mike Conrad invites you to join in a study of the book, The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. Borg is a contemporary biblical scholar who encourages us to be open to an emerging paradigm for Christianity in the 21st century. Our study will open some new possibilities and provides material for some great discussions.

JANUARY 2010 MINISTRIES THAT ARE NEEDED: Someone to volunteer to do our weekly bulletin, Envelope Secretary, a Chair for the Ways & Means Committee, and one other member for the Ways & Means Committee. Also, new choir members are welcome. Anyone willing to do any one of these ministries, please contact Rev. Mike, Rev. Judie or the Wardens, Linda and Lloyd. Thank you.

White Gift Sunday will be on Dec. 6th and donations will go to support the Feed Nova Scotia Turkey Fund.

Our Third Annual "Christmas Wish List" will go to support Phoenix Youth from ages 16-24 years. Donations of new clothing, knitted or crocheted hats & mitts, bus tickets, movie tickets, Tim Horton tickets, toiletries, and home-baked cookies are some of the suggested items. Deadline is Dec. 13th.

The St. Marguerite Bourgeois CWL has invited Detective/Corporal Dana Drover of the HRM Police Dept. to speak on Mon. Nov. 2nd at 7:00pm in the Sacred Heart Hall on the subject of protecting your identity. He will give a presentation, answer questions and have handouts available. We would like to have a good turnout. Please tell your relatives, friends and neighbors. Everyone is welcome!

90th Anniversary Celebrations

The kerosene oil heater you see on the Chancel steps was used to heat the porch of the old St. Andrew’s Church on Fraser’s Rd. and was donated by the Gilkie Family . The church was erected and used from 1905 to 1956. Perched on top is Miss Ruth Gilkie’s choir hat, which she was never seen without in her many years with St. Andrew’s Choir.

The updated history of St. Andrew’s Church has now been completed and can be viewed on our web site.

Some other events to come:

Updated church history of St. Luke’s

Turkey Supper: the Ways & Means are holding a Turkey Supper on Sat. Nov. 14th from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Adults: $9.90, Children 5 - 12: $4.50, children under 5: Free. This will be the last event held this year by the Ways & Means for the 90th Anniversary celebrations. A sign up poster is at the back of the church. Please sign up what ever you are able to help us with. Everyone is welcome.

Nov. 30(St. Andrew’s Day) Monday Evening: A service to complete our 90th Anniversary celebrations. It is hoped that the anniversary quilt will be completed by this time.

FUTURISTIC REVIEW: We are conducting a review of the total ministry in our parish. All parishioners are invited to participate by putting forward your comments, suggestions and recommendations. Any comment or suggestion, big or small, will be appreciated. Comments may be provided verbally, in writing or by e-mail. Also, a suggestion box has been placed at the back of the church.

Hall/Kitchen Renovations: The 2009 work planned for the hall renovations is complete. The washrooms have been renovated to include a wheelchair-accessible family washroom with a changing table. The washroom hall and entranceway floors have been covered with an epoxy coating that with proper care, should last for many years to come. The main staircase and the wall by the stage have been painted and the stage has been prepared for the preschool class. Over the past three years, over $43,00 has been spent on these renovations. This year, costs totaled

$13,772 ($20,000 was budgeted). Of the $30,000 fundraising goal for the past two years expenditures, over $15,000 has been raised so far. Thank you for your continued support for this much needed project.

St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is looking for the following items for the Mission to Seafarers Christmas Shoebox Project: hats, scarves, mitts/gloves, socks, soap, deodorant, shampoo, shaving cream, disposable razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hard candy (no chocolates or cookies), small memento (souvenir pins, etc.), writing tablets, envelopes, pens and postcards. We no longer need decks of playing cards or empty shoe boxes as we now have plenty of these items. The Mission to Seafarers is looking for Men’s items only for this year. The Ladies Group will be packing the boxes on Saturday, Nov. 28th. We thank all of you who support this worthwhile project every year bringing happiness to those seafarers who have to be away from their families at Christmas time. Any questions can be directed to Wendy at 443-4630.

The year 2010 is fast approaching and our Diocese is preparing to celebrate 300 years of continuous Anglican worship. Along with special events and a mass service scheduled for June at the Exhibition Park, the 2010 Committee is selling commemorative pins as part of this celebration. The pins are available for $3.00 each and there is a sign up board at the back of the church for anyone who is interested in buying one. There is a sample pin attached to the board. Please sign your name and phone number on the board. The pins have to be paid for in advance so the money will be collected prior to ordering them. Any questions please contact Wendy at 443-4630.

There are still a few 2010 calendars left. They are $5 each and are a special collector’s edition in celebration of our upcoming 2010 year. Please see Wendy any Sunday after church or phone 443-4630.

JUST A REMINDER: We are still collecting Campbell’s Soup Labels (for Landmark East) and cancelled Postage Stamps (for the Bible Society). Both are handed in to the ACW office where they are distributed. We need a whole soup label, and it would be helpful if they are not rolled up, as we are requested to have them flat. The stamps are sold by the pound, and should be still on the envelope, trimmed to 1/4" all around, (you can leave a larger border if you wish and we will trim them). Thank you for your support of this project in the past, and your anticipated support in the future. Recently 287 labels and 1/4lb. of stamps was delivered to the ACW office.

The Weekly Bulletin, Cycles of Prayer and Rector’s Report are now available on our Parish Web Site (http://blthanglicans.ca) , under the "Parishioners Section". To access this information along with Council Minutes, Monthly Financial Statements and Annual Reports, you will need the username (blthparish) and password (876mmlj).

Anyone who would like Offering Envelopes please see the Greeter/ Sidesperson on duty at the door or contact Tom Richardson, 876-2165.

PWRDF: There are inmemorium cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.

The Sacred Heart Food Bank is in need of the following items: Peanut butter, jam, canned fruit, canned meat, soda crackers, tea, coffee, pancake mix, syrup, juice, ready made pudding and cookies.(no baby food please) Thank you for your continued support.

Anyone having a change in their address or telephone number, please contact Tom Richardson 876-2165.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: If you would like the name/s of loved ones written in the Book of Remembrance on the anniversary of their death, please call Tim Edwards at 876-7785. If possible, to ensure correct spelling, please give Tim the names in writing a week or two before the anniversary.

Anyone wishing to put a notice in the bulletin, please contact Judy Sanford 876-2080 (email: sanfof@eastlink.ca). I would appreciate having notices by Wednesday evenings please. Thank you.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for Ughelli (Province of Bendel, Nigeria), The Rt. Revd. Vincent O. Muoghereh.


Chester, NS: Rev. Jim McCorriston.

Lockeport - Barrington, NS: Rev. Norma Mitchell.

Pray for all people and their ministries in our Companion Diocese of Moosonee, particularly: St. Mathew’s Cathedral, Timmins.

Pray for the preparations being made for ‘Celebration 2010' in the Regions and the Diocese.



- Veterans and Active Military Personnel.

- The wisdom of retired Clergy.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Province of Rupert’s Land -Archbishop David Ashdown & Provincial Council

Nov. 2-6 - National House of Bishops

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: - Myril Wells, Wendy Wells, John & Barb Whalen, Ralph & Genesta Wheadon, Jamie & Sarah Wile, Nicole Williams and Derek Cowie; and their families.

THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Roisin, Barb, Liz, Marshal, Sue.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Alice Maud Hibberd, George W. Smith, Donald S.K. Hirtle, Edith W. Hirtle, Clayton S. Hirtle, Judy (Walker) Eagleton, Rick Moar, Worden Boutilier, Kenneth Hayden, William E. Henry, Joseph Edward Boutilier, John Boylan. "Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN."