PARISH COUNCIL – Parish Council will meet this Thursday, November 19, 2015, at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room.  All members are urged to attend.

MEN’S BREAKFAST - The Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 21st at 8 am.  They would appreciate the help of 3 people to set up and 3 people for cleanup.  For more information call Jim at 902-876-2502 or email polky@bellaliant.net

CARDINAL POINTS – The Cardinal Points Fall Concert at St. Andrew's Church, November 22, 2:30 p.m.  Tickets ($12) are  available through the Wardens, Rick Morash and Keith Fraser. Tickets purchased at St. Andrew's will be honoured at St. James Anglican in Boutilier's Point on Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., and St. Luke's United in Tantallon on Saturday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m., if our Sunday afternoon time is not convenient for you.

TURKEY SUPPER – Our annual Turkey Supper is being held on November 28th, from 4:30 to 6:30 pmSign up posters have been placed at the back of the church for donations and workers.  Please help us in any way you can with this very worthwhile event . You can contact Wendy for more information at 902-229-4172. or nanawendywells@gmail.com.

MUSICAL GUESTS - On the Sunday of Nov 29th, the first Sunday of Advent, we have a very special thing taking place.  The Scotian Aires Ladies Barbershop Chorus will be performing musical selections at the 10:30am service.  A very special Sunday to keep on your calendars

PHOENIX HOUSE – On November 1st baskets will be placed at the back of the church to collect items for their Christmas Wish List.  Phoenix House helps youth between the ages of 12 and 24 who have no where else to go.  Their Christmas Wish List includes some of the following:  personal care items, candy, makeup, journals, agendas, mittens, hats, scarves, socks, blankets, gift cards for grocery stores, drug stores, movies, coffee shops, also bus tickets and prepaid phone cards.  For a more detailed list of what is needed please see the list at the back of the church.  You can visit their website also at:  phoenix@phoenixyouth.ca.   Please have all donations in by November 29th as they have to be delivered by December 4th.

MISSION TO SEAFARERS - St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is collecting items for the shoebox campaign for the Mission to Seafarers. The following is a list of what is needed:  scarves, glove/mitts, wrapped hard candy (no chocolate), socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, and lypsyl.  A collection bin has been placed in the porch along with a poster listing the types of items needed and the quantities.  For more information contact any member of the group. WE HAVE ENOUGH SOAP AND HATS.

CHILDREN’S SHOPPING EVENT - Once again, Parish Council will be sponsoring the fun filled Christmas Shopping event for children in our community and beyond. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, December 12th in the church hall from 10:00 until noon. Be sure to tell your friends, family and neighbors. Donations of new merchandise may be dropped off with Bev Higgins anytime leading up to the event.

BOTTLE RECYCLINGAn account with the Timberlea Recycling Depot has been set up for St. Andrew’s Church.  When you take your bottles in for the refund, you now have the choice of donating this money to the church.  You simply request that your refund be deposited into St. Andrew’s account.  Gordon Hamlin is looking after this.  If you have any questions you can contact him at 902-876-7300.

CAMPBELL’S SOUP LABELS – Thank you to the congregation of St. Andrew’s Church for all their donations of Campbell’s soup labels.  Please remember to save your stamps from your Christmas cards as well.


ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Venezuela - (V, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Orlando Guerrero.

OF ONTARIO:  Archbishop Colin Johnson and the Provincial Council.
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR:Ministry of Regional Deans and Archdeacons.
PLEASE PRAY FOR:- Annual meeting of Dean and Chapter of All Saint’s Cathedral on Nov 17.

Shelburne:  The Reverend Ed Trevors and Naniya.
South Queens:  The Reverend Bonnie Baird; The Reverend Judy Cross, Associate Priest, and Glenn.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Gerry & Susan Titus, Annette
Travis, Brian & Heather Travis, Jessie Tufts, Goldie Vey, Terry &
Valarie Wadden and their families.


BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Lillie Belle Young, Archbishop John Hackenley, Lillian Raine.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN