MEN’S BREAKFAST – The Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 22nd.   They would appreciate the help of 3 people to set up and 3 people for cleanup.  For more information call Don at 431-4047 or email puppadon@hotmail.com.  All men welcome.

BAKE SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be holding a Bake Sale, after both church services, on November 23.  This will be held at the back of the church for your convenience.  Stop and pick up some goodies for Christmas on your way out.

MISSION TO SEAFARERS – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is collecting items for the shoebox campaign for the Mission to Seafarers.
The following is a list of what is needed:  hats, scarves, glove/mitts, wrapped hard candy (no chocolate), soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, and lypsyl.  A collection bin has been placed in the porch along with a poster listing the types of items needed and the quantities.  For more information contact any member of the group.

TURKEY SUPPER – Our annual Turkey Supper will be held on Saturday, November 29th from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.  A sign up sheet for donations of food and volunteers to work has been posted at the back of the church.  Tickets will be $12 for adults, $6 for children 5-12 and preschoolers are free.  For more info call Wendy at 902-229-4172.

CHILDREN’S SHOPPING DAY – We will be having our 3rd Annual Shopping Day for Children in the church hall on December 13th.  We are looking for donations of new items that can be sold for under $5.  If you are able to help us out that would be great.  All donations can be given to Bev Higgins.

2ND ANNUAL TREE LIGHTING AND CAROL SING – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is hosting their 2nd Annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Carol Sing in the church parking lot on December 14th at 6:30 pm.  There will be hot chocolate and cookies in the hall after.  Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy some good old fashioned fun!

PARISH WEBSITE – Our parish website is being updated after a long period of being inactive.  We are very interested in what groups or other things you would like to see included there.  Any ideas are very welcome!  Please let the rector know by email and we will see what we can do!  markpretty63@icloud.com

MEMORIAL DONATION - Anyone interested in making a memorial donation in memory of Rev Ron Walker, please find an envelope at the back of the church, and put the donation on the collection plate.  A plaque in his memory will be dedicated and placed in the church from the Parish of St. Andrew’s.  Any questions, please call Rev. Judie Lafford or the wardens, Rich Morash or Linda Strachan

CAMPBELL’S SOUP AND STAMP NOTICE – A reminder that the soup labels must be COMPLETE and whole, with no staples or scotch tape!  Please remember to save your postage stamps as well.  With the upcoming Christmas season and lots of special mail we should be able to collect lots of stamps.

St. Andrews Timberlea
YTD Financial Data - Q3
General Fund:  2014                 2013               2012
Income             $85,646.66      $92,057.12       $94,633.73
Expenses          $98,536.85      $98,798.47     $109,440.57
Balance           -$12,890.19      -$6,741.35      -$14,806.84







ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for Bermuda (Extra-Provincial to Canterbury) Bermuda - (Bermuda) The Rt Revd Nicholas Dill.

Archbishop Fred Hiltz.
LET US GIVE THANKS for the Ministry of Chaplains to the Canadian Armed Forces.
PLEASE PRAY FOR -  The team attending the Inter Diocesan Learning Community November 13th-14th.

Pray for Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Armed Forces Chaplains.  We remember this day the Anglican Priests who serve their country for our Diocese:
 Capt. the Rev’d Leonard Bednar
LCdr. (Retired)  the Rev’d Andrew Cooke and Valerie
Capt. the Rev’d Jim McCorriston
LCol. The Rev’d Canon Todd Meaker and Theresa
Capt. (Retired) the Rev'd Bruce Murray
Lt.(N) the Rev’d Robert Parker and Rachael
LCol. (Retired) the Rev’d Canon Dr. Gary Thorne and Sandra

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Blanche Boylan, Stephen & Denise Brown, Laurie & Karen Brunt, James & Gloria Brunt, Russell & Lea Bryden, Todd & Jane Caiger and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:   Gail, Yasuko, Brai, Rev Judie

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Herbert Gilke, Verne Agnes, Florence Beswick, Gladys Margaret King, Bernard G Schwartz.  Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN