PARISH COUNCIL – A special meeting of Parish Council will be held Wednesday evening, October 24th beginning at 7:30 pm.

CHURCH CALENDARSChurch calendars will be available for the low price of $5.  These are being sold through St. Andrew’s Ladies Group again.  We have ordered fewer calendars this year than in the past, so if you wish to purchase one, please see Wendy any Sunday after Church or call 443-4630 and leave a message.

PIE FUNDRAISER – Nicole Chenell will be selling pies as a fundraiser for the church.  They will sell for $6.00 each.  Order forms are available at the back of the church.  Delivery of the pies will be approximately the first week of December.

BIBLE STUDYThe Bible Study Fellowship Group will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 2 pm – 3:30 pm, in the Church Hall. Bible Study will be held on November 6 and 20.  Our focus of study will be the Letter to the Philippians, the great Letter of “Joy”!  Rev. Ron will be very pleased to see you.

MEN’S BREAKFAST – Our Men’s Breakfasts will begin again on October 27th at 8:00 am.  The breakfasts will be held on the fourth Saturday of each month except for November and December when the hall will be in use.  Three people are needed to help with setup at 7:00 am and four will be needed for clean up after the breakfast.  Please contact Don, if you can help, at 431-4047.

MISSION TO SEAFARERS – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be packing shoeboxes for the seafarers for Christmas again this year.  Items we are looking for are as follows:  warm hats, socks, gloves, scarves; personal items such as shaving cream, razors, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, deodorant; writing paper, envelopes, pens; hard wrapped candy (no chocolate).  A container to collect the items has been placed in the church porch.  For more information, please contact any member of the group.

BREAKFAST BUCKET – Thank you for your contributions to the BLT Breakfast Program in September.  The amount was $122.11.  The next “Breakfast Bucket” will be Sunday, October 28.

MEMORIAL HYMN SING – A Memorial Hymn Sing will take place on All Souls Day, Friday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm.  Everyone should have received a letter from the Spiritual Development Committee in with their Thanksgiving Letter explaining the hymn sing in more detail.  If you didn’t receive a copy, there are extras on the back table on bright pink paper.  All Memorial Requests must be in by October 27th.

CRAFT MARKET – Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 24th from 9 am to 2 pm for our 2nd Annual St. Andrew’s Christmas Crafter’s Market.  Lots of great handmade crafts:  Christmas decorations, baked goods, knitting, homemade soaps, jewellery, paintings, glass, cards, doll clothes, preserves to name a few.  Admission is $2.00, Children free.  Canteen services available.  Great time to get your Christmas shopping done!  If any questions, please contact Darlene Martell (876-1795) or Jo-Anne Rector (443-0633).  Hope to see you there!

PWRDF – During this time of abundant harvest in our province, please remember that the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund acts on behalf of the Anglican Church of Canada to provide people around the globe with the ways and means to “help them help themselves”.  In some areas, people receive small loans to start home gardens, cultivate rice paddies and raise chickens.  They can have the experience of harvesting their own food to feed themselves and their children.  In 2011 the contributions from the Diocese of NS & PEI were $268,813.00.  Envelopes are available at the back of the church if you wish to contribute to this worthy ministry.

TURKEY SUPPER – The best turkey supper in town will be served at St. Andrew’s on Saturday, December 1st. More information will follow.

KIDS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DAY – On December 15th, St. Andrew’s Parish Council will host a shopping day for children.  This will take place in the church hall from 10-12 noon.  There will be tables of items for $3 or less that the children will be able to purchase for gifts for their families and friends.  We are looking for items that can be sold for $1, $2 or $3 or less.  These items should be new but do not have to come from the store.  If you have items lying around that were given to you but you never opened or used, you could donate these to this venture.  Items can be brought in the Sunday before the sale, December 9th and left with any member of council.

SCENT SENSITIVITY:  Just a reminder that NO SCENTS make GOOD SENSE!  Please be considerate of those in our congregation who have allergies and asthma.  Thank you.



RECTOR’S OFFICE MEMORIALS – Memorial donations towards the construction costs of the Rector’s office are now being received.  Donations in the amount of $110.00 ($100 plus $10 engraving) will allow contributors to place a memorial on a plaque to be located outside the office.  There are twenty-four spaces for memorials.  Once all spaces have been filled we will dedicate the office in memory of those identified on the plaque.  If you wish to make a donation, please see either Rev. Mike or Rev. Judie.  Thank you for your generosity

CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS AND POSTAGE STAMPS – Thank you for your continuing support of two ACW projects:  Postage stamps and Campbell’s soup labels.  The requirement for stamps have been changed:  They no longer have to have ¼” margin of envelope around them; simply tear most of the envelope away, being careful not to tear the stamp.  The soup labels have to be complete and in one piece; that is, with no staples or Scotch tape.

FOOD BANK – The St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank is always in need of canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers and pudding.  They are currently running short on the following food items:  boxes of cereal, cookies, and jello. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.



ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER:   Pray for the Church of Ceylon, (E – P to the Archbishop of Canterbury).

PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA – Pray for the Diocese of Quebec with Bishop Dennis Drainville.

Mahone Bay:  The Rev Ian Wissler & Chris.
New Dublin with Petite Riviere:  The Rev Oliver Osmond, Priest in Charge, & Rosalie.

LET US GIVE THANKS FOR Bishops of the Province of Canada.

PLEASE PRAY FOR the Formation Director, Debra Burleson at AST.

OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER:  Clifford & Joyce Otto, Rick & Erica Orlando, David & Christian Patchell, Helen Payne, John & Jeannette Pelley, Basil Pettipas/Charlene Goguen and their families.

PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Roisin, Andrea, Cheryl, Daisy, James, Baby Riley, Judi, Janet, Brian Roe, Carol, Kathy, Crystal, Sharron

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE:  Edna Gilkie, James Edwin Eastwood, Franz Reinhard.   Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.  AMEN