DIOCESAN TIMES – Please check out the November issue of the Diocesan Times. We have a story and picture in it.
MEMORAIL HYMN SING – A memorial hymn sing will be held on Monday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm. This will be an opportunity to honor the memory of family and friends by having a hymn sung in their memory. If anyone didn’t receive a form and a list of the hymns to be sung, please see Rev Judie Lafford or call 902-446-0229.
ST ANDREW’S LADIES GROUP – Please come out and help us fill the hall this Thursday, November 6th at 7 pm .We will be having a member of the Alzheimer’s Society of Halifax speak at our meeting This is open to everyone in the parish and if you would like to bring a friend along, that would be great. We will have a container to collect monetary donations which will be given to the Alzheimer’s Society at the end of the evening. There will be time to ask questions and light refreshments will be served afterwards. For more information please contact Wendy or any member of the group
WOMEN IN HARMONY – The Scotian Aires welcome you to an evening celebrating women in song on Friday, November 7th at 7:30 pm at the Spatz Theatre in Halifax. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children age 12 and under. Special Guests: Cassie and Maggie MacDonald, award winning Celtic artists; Xara (Nationallyrecognized leaders in choral theatre)and featuring Barbershop Quartet “Tonic”. For more information or tickets please phone Sharon Polkinghorne at 902-876-2502
MISSION TO SEAFARERS – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group is collecting items for the shoebox campaign for the Mission to Seafarers.
The following is a list of what is needed: hats, scarves, glove/mitts, wrapped hard candy (no chocolate), soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, and lypsyl. A collection bin has been placed in the porch along with a poster listing the types of items needed and the quantities. For more information contact any member of the group.
BAKE SALE – St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be holding a Bake Sale, after both church services, on November 23. This will be held at the back of the church for your convenience. Stop and pick up some goodies for Christmas on your way out.
TURKEY SUPPER – Our annual Turkey Supper will be held on Saturday, November 29th from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. A sign up sheet for donations of food and volunteers to work has been posted at the back of the church. Tickets will be $12 for adults, $6 for children 5-12 and preschoolers are free. For more info call Wendy at 902-229-4172.
CHILDREN’S SHOPPING DAY – We will be having our 3rd Annual Shopping Day for Children in the church hall on December 13th. We are looking for donations of new items that can be sold for under $5. If you are able to help us out that would be great. All donations can be given to Bev Higgins.
PARISH WEBSITE – Our parish website is being updated after a long period of being inactive. We are very interested in what groups or other things you would like to see included there. Any ideas are very welcome! Please let the rector know by email and we will see what we can do! markpretty63@icloud.com
MEMORIAL DONATION - Anyone interested in making a memorial donation in memory of Rev Ron Walker, please find an envelope at the back of the church, and put the donation on the collection plate. A plaque in his memory will be dedicated and placed in the church from the Parish of St. Andrew’s. Any questions, please call Rev. Judie Lafford or the wardens, Rich Morash or Linda Strachan
CAMPBELL’S SOUP AND STAMP NOTICE – A reminder that the soup labels must be COMPLETE and whole, with no staples or scotch tape! Please remember to save your postage stamps as well. With the upcoming Christmas season and lots of special mail we should be able to collect lots of stamps.
St. Andrews Timberlea
YTD Financial Data - Q3
General Fund: 2014 2013 2012
Income $85,646.66 $92,057.12 $94,633.73
Expenses $98,536.85 $98,798.47 $109,440.57
Balance -$12,890.19 -$6,741.35 -$14,806.84
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba - (Cuba) The Rt Revd Griselda Delgado Del Carpio
Suffragan Bishop of Cuba - (Cuba) The Rt Revd Ulises Prendes.
PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE OF CANADA: We pray for the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land with Archbishop David Ashdown and the Provincial Council.
LET US GIVE THANKS for the Ministry of Chaplains to the Canadian Armed Forces.
PLEASE PRAY FOR the meetings of Archdeacons and Regional Deans from November 4th-6th.
Chester: The Reverend Gordon Druggett and Donna.
Lockeport-Barrington: The Reverend Robert Richmond, Priest-in-Charge, and Narda Carmona.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Bim & Debbie Blackadar, Dave & Edith Bolivar, David & Gwen Bourque, Harold & Marion Boutilier, Morley & Doreen Boutilier, Wendy Boutilier and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Gail, Yasuko, Brai
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Alice Maud Hibberd, George W Smith, Donald S K Hirtle, Edith W Hirtle, Clayton S Hirtle, Judy (Walker) Eagleton, Rick Moar, Worden Boutilier, Kenneth Hayden, William E Henry, Joseph Edward Boutilier, John Boylan. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN