SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sunday School Registration will take place this morning, beginning at 10:00 am. Classes will begin on September 27th. The Sunday School will use the “Whole People Of God” curriculum again this year. They have also planned some special activities with guests from the community to enhance the children’s learning. Sunday School is open to all children age 3 and up.
PAR – In this morning’s bulletin you will have received a “Diocesan Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) Authorization Card”. Our Warden, Keith Fraser will speak to us about this at the end of this morning’s service, at which time you will be able to ask questions.
READING ROSTER – A new reading roster is in the works. If there is anyone who would like to be a part of this ministry, please speak to Wendy at the end of the service.
BRING A FRIEND SUNDAY – On September 27th, we will celebrate “Bring a Friend Sunday”. Everyone is invited to bring a friend with them next Sunday to worship with us. The Property Committee has planned a special lunch consisting of seafood chowder, corn chowder and hot dogs, to be held in the hall following the service. There will be a free will offering for this. Come down and join us for lunch with your friend for some fellowship and fine food!
BAPTISM – On Sunday, September 27th baby Ariel Thomas-Shearer will receive the sacrament of baptism. She is the daughter of McKayla Thomas and Brandon Shearer. Please keep Ariel and her parents and god-parents in your prayers.
YARD SALE – The Ladies Group will have their Fall Yard Sale on Saturday, October 3rd from 9 – 12 noon. We are looking for household items, good, clean used clothing (especially children’s), books, toys, ornamental things, etc. We cannot take electronics, car seats or encyclopedias. Donations can be left on the stage in the hall, or dropped off on Friday, October 2nd, between 9 and 11 am, and 7 to 8:30 pm. If you have any questions, please speak to any member of the group.
A CALL TO PRAYER AND ACTION: Our Primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz brings to our attention the Syrian Migrant Crisis and requests us to take action in some way in response to this crisis. We can pray. We can work with other churches and communities to sponsor refugee families. We can contact our government officials with our comments and opinions. The PWRDF is accepting monetary donations. You may place your donation in an envelope (PWRDF or plain) marked “Syria Response” or “Response to Syrian Migrant Crisis” with your name, etc. and envelope number and put in on the Offering Plate. THANK YOU
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS – The Blessing of the Animals will be held on October 4th. This is our second awesome celebration of all our animal friends!! You can bring your pet to be blessed during the service: all God’s critters are welcome! If there is a special companion you want to remember who has passed away, please bring a picture and we will bless the memory of that special soul too.
THE GREAT CHILI COOK-OFF - Do you have a famous chili recipe? Do others ask you for your recipe? Do friends and family constantly ask you to bring a pot to every pot luck or celebration? If the answer is yes (or even ‘not really’) we are looking for you!!! St Andrew’s Finance Committee presents: The Great Chili Cook Off –Saturday, October 24 - Details and Sign Up posters are located on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s Office - Mark your calendars for this exciting event sure to tantalize your taste buds.
SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, November 7th, 7-10pm the fabulous Celtic Band “THE DICEY REILLY” will be at St. Andrew’s for an old-fashioned Irish Ceilidh. Seating will be limited to 100 so book your tickets early. $10.00 (19 and older). There will be refreshments and a cash bar. For tickets and information: Marilyn Hamlin 902- 876-7300 –mhamlin@eastlink.ca This is a fund raiser for our Parish and it is open to the general public.
CALENDARS – The Ladies Group will be selling calendars again this year. We are only ordering 40 this year and they are almost half presold already. The price will be $6.00 each. If you want a calendar please speak to Wendy. Don’t be disappointed, order your calendar today!!
OUTREACH AT ST. ANDREWS –St. Andrews Church and members of this Parish are actively involved in many Outreach Programs and Projects. A list is posted at the back of the Church. Lorraine MacLellan is Chair of Outreach and oversees a number of these projects. Marilyn Hamlin is Coordinator of Outreach and reports regularly to Parish Council. Please keep Rev. Marilyn informed of current Outreach Programs and any up-and-coming Projects. This will help keep everyone knowledgeable about how we reach out to one another, to our community and to the wider world. Many Thanks!
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Southern Brazil - (Brazil) The Rt Revd Humberto Maiztegue.
OF CANADA: Diocese of Western Newfoundland - Archbishop Percy Coffin .
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR: Good weather and abundant harvests.
PLEASE PRAY FOR:Meeting of the Inter Diocesan Learning Community - Sept 22-23
Retired Clergy of Valley Region and Clergy Widows.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Earl Morash, Margaret Morgan,
Karen Morris, John & Louise Mullins, Blaize & Tracy Myatt, Barbara
Myers and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Marshall, Joan
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Mary Louisa Hocquard, William James Jones, JoAnne (Perry) Wessbecher. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN