LADIES GROUP – The Ladies Group will meet this Thursday, September 10th at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room. New members are always welcome. Come and see what we are all about!
SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, November 7th, 7-10pm the fabulous Celtic Band “THE DICEY RILEY” will be at St. Andrew’s for an old-fashioned Irish Ceilidh. Seating will be limited to 100 so book your tickets early. $10.00 (19 and older). There will be refreshments and a cash bar. For tickets and information: Marilyn Hamlin 902- 876-7300 –mhamlin@eastlink.ca This is a fund raiser for our Parish and it is open to the general public.
BREAKFAST BUCKET OUTREACH - We are continuing to support the Beechville-Lakeside-Timberlea Elementary School Breakfast Program. Our first Breakfast Bucket Sunday will be on September 27th. Please save your loose change for this worthy outreach at St. Andrews. “Your small change can make a big change in the life of a student”.
Many thanks, Rev. Marilyn.
YARD SALE – The Ladies Group will have their Fall Yard Sale on Saturday, October 3rd from 9 – 12 noon. We are looking for household items, good, clean used clothing (especially children’s), books, toys, ornamental things, etc. We cannot take electronics, car seats or encyclopedias. Please speak to any member of the group if you have any questions.
CALENDARS – The Ladies Group will be selling calendars again this year. We only ordered 40 last year and they sold out quickly. If you want a calendar please speak to Wendy.
THE SOUL’S HARBOR RESCUE MISSION in Halifax currently provides lunch for 50-60 homeless individuals on weekdays Monday to Friday, but they lack the finances and volunteers to extend it into Saturday. They have recently received a grant to build a new kitchen on their premises, and they would like to partner with Anglican churches in this region with the intention of providing a luncheon program on Saturdays. If you feel you would like to be part of this ministry in some way, please contact Rev. Marilyn for further information, 876-7300, mhamlin@eastlink.ca Thank You
PHOENIX HOUSE – Phoenix House is looking for monetary donations to help with expenses. If you would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause, please put your donation in an envelope and clearly mark it “For Phoenix House” and place it on the offertory plate. All donations will be included on your church income tax receipt next year.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Sialkot - (Pakistan) The Rt Revd Alwin Samuel.
OF CANADA: Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador - Bishop Geoffrey Peddle
LET US GIVE THANKS FOR: The ministry of University Chaplains.
PLEASE PRAY FOR:Teachers and students returning to schools, colleges, universities and seminaries.
Digby-Weymouth: The Reverend Mel Malton.
New Ross: The Reverend Judi Phillips.
Pray for all the Church School Teachers and Pupils in our Dioceses.
Pray for all our Children and their Teachers in our Day Schools.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Peter & Darlene Mann, Edith
Marriott, Shawn & Darlene Martell, Charles & Loretta Maynard,
Steve & Nancy Michalko, Angela Miller and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Marshall, Joan
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Joseph Jones, Donald H Baxter, Ronald Joseph Hall, Duncan Hugh MacLellan. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.