THE CELEBRATION CONTINUES – OCTOBER 10TH AT ANNAPOLIS ROYAL. It all began 300 years ago at Port Royal on October 10th with a “Service of Thanksgiving” in 1710. On the actual anniversary date, the people of Annapolis Royal and the Parish of Annapolis have been planning to celebrate 300 years of Anglican presence in Eastern Canada, as well as the beginning of their Community of Annapolis and the Parish of St. Luke’s. EVERYONE IS INVITED. Clergy are asked to vest in white. The Service will be held at St. Luke’s Church, Annapolis Royal at 3:00 p.m. It will be the “Thanksgiving on the Anniversary of a Parish”. Immediately after the Eucharist the Congregation will process to Fort Anne, the site of the first Service, where Prayers will be said. Then a reception will be held at the Legion Social Centre. (Right behind St. Luke’s Church)
A very special evening will take place at St. Andrew’s, on Thursday, September 30, at 7 p.m. The International Secretary for Church Army, Philip Johanson, OBE, will be the guest speaker. Bruce Smith, National Director of Threshold Ministries (formerly The Church Army in Canada) will be present, as well as Bishop Sue Moxley. Come and enjoy an inspirational and educational evening together of worship, fellowship and refreshments.
Fall Book Study: This fall the book study group will meet from 2:00 – 3:30 pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month led by
Rev. Mike. A question at the forefront for many of us on our Christian journey is: Why does there seem to be so much suffering in the world? One of the great books written in response to this question is When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S Kushner. It is my hope that our study of this book and our discussions together will lead us, in some way, to a better understanding of this question. Those planning to attend and requiring copies of the book are encouraged to sign the sheet at the back of the church.
YARD SALE: St. Andrew’s Ladies Group will be having their fall Yard Sale and Bake Table on October 23. We are looking for good, clean used clothing, household items, books, toys, plants, etc. We can no longer accept computers, TV’s, car seats, microwaves or encyclopedias. Items can be dropped off in the church hall during the week preceding the sale and on the Friday from 9- noon and 7-9 pm.
SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS: Registration for Sunday School will take place on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This will be combined with an ICE CREAM SOCIAL! All children age 3 and up are welcome! Children bring your parents out to register so they can meet your teachers and enjoy some ice cream too!
Sunday School will start on September 19, 2010.
HOW CAN YOU HELP THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN? The Primate’s World Relief & Development Fund is accepting donations for emergency response through ACT Alliance (ACT) to the flooding in Pakistan. Donations will be matched by the Government of Canada, including donations to PWRDF made from August 2 to September 12. For information see the NOTICE on the BULLETIN BOARD at the back of the church or speak to Marilyn Hamlin (PWRDF Rep)
BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY – On September 19, 2010 at our 10:30 a.m. service, we will be celebrating Back to Church Sunday.
This is a Diocesan wide event and the purpose of it is to double our congregations on this particular Sunday. Everyone is asked to invite a friend, neighbour, relative, or an acquaintance etc., to come to church with them on this date.
Special music, special guests, food, fun for the children and fellowship for everyone are some of the things planned for this. Please start thinking about who you might like to bring to church with you and remember everyone will be welcome!
The two Bible Study Fellowship Groups – Monday evenings, 7 pm-8:30 pm (1st, 3rd & 5th), and Tuesday afternoons 2 pm-3:30 pm (1st, 3rd, & 5th) will be studying the Letter to the Hebrews. Hebrews will help us to see how the Old and New Testaments are linked, how they are two parts of the same astonishing story! Rev. Ron will be very pleased to see you! The Tuesday group will meet on September 7 and 21; the Monday group on September 13 and 20.
2010 Legacy Fund for Lay Ministry – The Offering at the Celebration Eucharist on June 6th, which is slated for the “Legacy Fund for Lay Ministry”, was in excess of $22,000.00. This is a wonderful start, but if we are to have a viable fund to generate enough funds to give to Lay People to further their educational work, we willneed much more. You can contribute to this fund at anytime by using a plain white envelope marking it “2010 Legacy Fund for Lay Ministry” and placing it on the Offertory Plate
Diocesan History Book 1710-2010 by Dr. Brian Cuthbertson. This book is on sale for $35.00 per copy. As a parish, if we order 20 or more copies, we can obtain them for $30 each. If there is anyone who wishes to purchase a copy, please let me know. – Wendy (443-4630)
We are still waiting on the order to come in. You will be notified as soon as they arrive.
PWRDF; There are memorial cards for the Primates Fund on the table at the back of the church. They are self explanatory and a worthwhile way of remembering friends or relatives as this fund assists people around the world.
Soup Labels and Stamps: Thank you for your continuing support. Soup Labels must be whole, and Stamps have a least ¼” of envelope around them.
There is a shortage of the following food items for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Food Bank – canned fruit, canned meat, pasta, peanut butter, jam, crackers and pudding. Thank you for your continued support.
ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER: Pray for the Anglican Church of Tanzania, The Most Revd Valentino Mokiwa, Archbishop of Tanzania & Bishop of Dar-es-Salaam.
PROVINCIAL PRAYER CARE – Ecclesiastical Province of Canada
Pray for the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, Bishop Cyrus Pitman.
Wilmot: The Rev Matthew Sponagle; The Rev Michael McKeage, Assist Priest & Diane
Nova Scotia Sisters in Religious Orders: Sister Margaret Mary, SSJD
The Society of Our Lady Saint Mary: Sister Bonnie Wright & Sister Barbara Bowser of Bethany Place
Let Us Give Thanks For: Day School and Sunday School teachers and students; 100th Anniversary of the Cathedral Church of All Saints on September 12th.
Let Us Pray for: The meeting of Regional Deans; The Bishop’s Advisory Council Meeting.
Pray for the “Celebration 2010” events taking place in the Region and the Diocese.
OUR PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: Jinny Giza, Christie Grandy, Cyril & Marie Griffen, Jason & Kristina Griffin, Richard & Catherine (Slade) Gudger, Olive Hackett and their families.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: Roisin, Sue, Erma, Lindy, Minnie, Allan, Mitchell, Wayne, Andrea
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Bishop Leonard Hatfield, Catherine Vey, Bessie Kennedy. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. AMEN