Rectors Report
Week Ending April 25th
Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!
I had the opportunity this week to talk with a parishioner regarding our Eucharistic practices. In particular the question regarding intinction, the practice of dipping the bread in the common cup was raised, more specifically is it or is it not an acceptable practice. I appreciate that others in our congregation may share this question. In response I refer to a directive from our diocesan Bishop, a directive supported by considered and expert advice. In that directive Bishop Sue wrote:
Intinction, the dipping of the bread wafer into the chalice, is not an acceptable practice. While some have argued that the special 'intinction chalice' solves the problem, there is no evidence to support this claim. Hands are the biggest source of contamination. If someone does not wish to drink from the common cup, then they should receive the bread only. The use of the common chalice has become problematic for some. While there is no evidence to connect drinking from the chalice to getting sick, those who are not convinced should simply refrain from drinking the wine at this time.
If you have concerns I invite you to speak with me. As I said when we implemented this practice we need not feel that the integrity of the Eucharistic is compromised if we choose to receive just the bread. The communal act of sharing in this sacred meal maintains the sacramental significance.
I was pleased to attend the regular meeting of our prayer group on Wednesday morning. We gather at 10:30 to pray for the concerns of our parish and our parishioners and as well to engage in conversation in connection with weekly readings. If you have someone or something that you would like our group to pray for or if you would like to join the group please speak to me or another member of the group.
I was at a meeting of the Diocesan Budget Sub Committee on Wednesday afternoon. While it is only April we are already in the process of beginning Diocesan Budget preparations for the year 2011. There are many challenges pending as our diocese attempts to provide the services asked of it while keeping revenues and expenses in balance. As a matter of information it is good to note that our parish has been able and continues to be able to meet its obligations to the diocese. Thank you for your support which continues to make this possible.
I spent time in the office Thursday morning where I caught up on some paper work and as well met with two parishioners. Parish Council met on Thursday evening. A copy of the minutes of Parish Council meetings is made available and posted at the back of the church or you can go on the parish website to view the minutes when they are posted. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the affairs of our parish I invite you to speak to me or any member of Parish Council.
St. Andrew's was alive with activity when I arrived Friday morning as the Ladies Group were getting ready for their yard sale. They were back early Saturday morning for the actual sale. Lots of time and effort go into this sale and we give thanks to Ladies Group for bringing these treasures to us.
While the Ladies Group were having their yard sale the church yard was undergoing a transformation of it's own as parishioners gathered for the annual spring clean-up. Thanks to everyone for their efforts to keep our property beautiful.
May the good news of Easter fill our hearts and inspire our actions as we follow the Risen Lord.
Rev. Mike