Rectors Report
Week Ending April 4th

What wonderful news we proclaim this morning in our Churches.
Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! May this day be a new beginning for the rest of your life as we come to realize anew the hope and promise that is present in the reality of the Risen Lord. We acknowledge the empty tomb and understand its meaning which speaks to fullness of life. Thanks be to God. Alleluia!

So if this is a new day what is new about it? Let me make one suggestion about how we celebrate this Eucharist this morning. Stand up and acknowledge all that Christ has accomplished for us!!!! Our celebration of the Eucharist this morning uses the rites authorized in the Book of Alternative Services. These rites are intended to be more celebratory than the rite as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer, which suggests a more penitential posture. (kneeling) Michael Ingham, now Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster, comments in his book Rites for a New Age : "The Book of Alternative Services, consistent with its different spiritual emphasis, suggests standing as the appropriate posture in the presence of God for those who have been called into Christ's kingdom. Symbolically, this gives physical dramatization to the Easter Event. God has raised us from death to life in Christ. We are bidden to stand and rejoice in God's house. Our bodies proclaim what are lips and hearts celebrate, that we have been made worthy through Christ to be called children, heirs, and co-workers with the Lord of creation. Whereas the Prayer Book (BCP) encouraged self-abasement, the new rites announce:"
"We offer you this bread and this cup
giving thanks that you have made us worthy
to stand in your presence and serve you."
(from Eucharistic prayer 2 - page 196)

Ingham goes on to make the following point: "This is not intended to express a false confidence, the narcissism of the Me Generation. It is not saying we are as good as God and so ought not to bow down. What this is saying is that after Easter our reverence may be expressed in celebration rather than self-abnegation. Because of Christ's faithfulness, not our own, we can have confidence in the presence of God. Easter has changed everything, including our physical attitude." 

I give thanks this morning for the presence of the Risen Christ among us and for the ministries we are called to in his name. For Wendy Wells who used a volunteer day from her work place to come to the parish office to help me with preparations for Holy Week. For the Wednesday Morning Prayer Group who gather to hold up people of our parish and the wider community in prayer. For the Choir and their dedication throughout this week to provide music for all the services that take place during Holy Week. For your support of our ministry to those who are sick and in hospital. This week I was pleased to make three hospital visits on behalf of the parish. For your support of ministries that take place in the parish and in the homes of parishioners. This week I was pleased to make one home visit  as well as meet with two individuals in my office. For your support of the ministry to St. Georges Soup Kitchen where, on Saturday, our parish prepared and served a hot meal to the less fortunate among us. Finally for your ministry to one another through word and deed. For these and all blessings we give thanks to the Risen Lord whose image we are called to imitate in our own lives.

Thanks be to God. Alleluia!!!
May our lives be a reflection of the love of Christ and may all that we do bless his holy name. Happy Easter !!!

Rev. Mike