August 29th, 2010
Rectors Weekly Report

Back to Church Sunday - September 19th !!! The purpose of day is to double our congregation by each person inviting someone to come to church with them on that day. Who are you inviting? There are a limited number of invitations and prayer cards at the back of the church. Take one, invite someone, and show them how much you care and want to share your experiences here at St. Andrew's.

I was pleased to make two pastoral visits to members of our community this past week. I ask you to remember Walter Milsom, who is gravely ill, in your prayers.

On Thursday afternoon, I along with a number of people from our congregation attended the funeral Ruth Keller, the mother-in-law of Rev. Ron Walker. Please keep Rev. Ron and his family in your prayers as they grieve this loss.

I was pleased to meet with the Sunday School teachers Thursday evening. They are prepared to offer another great year of Christian education to the children of our parish. They are also planning special events for the children for Back to Church Sunday, Sept. 19th.

Fall Book Study: This fall our group will meet in the afternoon at 2:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday's of each month. A question at the forefront for many of us on our Christian journey is why does there seem to be so much suffering in the world? One of the great books written in response to this question is When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner. It is my hope that our study of this book and our discussions together will lead us, in some way, to a better understanding of this question. Those planning to attend and requiring copies of the book are encouraged to sign the sign-up sheet at the back of the church.

Marian and I are going to take one last opportunity to enjoy what has been a beautiful summer. I will be on vacation following services today and will return to the parish on Tuesday, September 14th. In my absence Rev. Judie will be on call for pastoral emergencies (Telephone 446-0229). Rev. Judie along with Rev. Ron will share the Sunday services. Other matters may be directed to either of our wardens, Lloyd Miller (876-8508) or Renee Fraser (876-2275).

Drive carefully, watch out for the children as they go back to school. Please remember all teachers in your prayers as they strive to enlighten the minds of our young people, and also for our children that they may be open to know all wonder that God gives us in creation.

Rev. MikeĀ