Rector's Report
Jan. 19 - Jan. 25

In the wake of the conflict that has broken out between Israel and the region of Gaza our primate, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, has asked us to say a special prayer for peace in this region which has a long history of human suffering.

Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed;
Kindle, we pray thee, in the hearts of all people the true love of peace, and guide with thy pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility thy kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

As you will note in the bulletin the parish website is progressing nicely and is now available to our parishioners. Thanks to Barry Fraser who started the process and more recently to Keith Fraser, David Dellapinna and Tim Dellapinna in moving the project forward. Also thanks to Barry for his ministry over the years of providing the bulletin board and rectors note by email to our parishioners.

This week I was pleased to attend our weekly prayer group, attend a regular meeting with our Archdeacon, as well as meetings of the Spiritual Development and Worship Committee. Spiritual Development continues to formalize plans for all the activities planned in conjunction with the celebration of our 90th anniversary at St. Andrew's. Next on the schedule is the Card Social scheduled for February 7th. It promises to be an enjoyable evening of fun and fellowship. The worship committee continues to work on plans for the Foregiveness Workshop scheduled for February 28th. Information and a sign up sheet are posted at the back of the church.

The Men's Breakfast will take place Saturday morning. This is a wonderful time of fellowship enjoyed as we gather around the table to eat a meal and begin our day. Following the breakfast the diocesan stewardship program, Companions on a Journey, will gather clergy and laity from our region at St. James' in Armdale to focus on our call to be stewards of God's creation in the giving, the receiving and the sharing of the abundance which God provides. Thanks to Rev. Judie, Linda Strachan and Doug Gillett for giving up a Saturday to attend this event with me.

I was also pleased to visit the hospital and visit with two of our parishioners during the week.

This morning we welcome Evan James Stockhaus who through the Sacrament of Baptism is grafted into the body of Christ which is his Holy Church. In this sacrament his parents and sponsors on behalf of him answer the call that the first disciples answered, the call from Jesus to 'follow me.' It is good that we do this on this day as it is also the day of our Annual General Meeting where we give thanks for those who answer God's call in the many ministries that take place in and through the actions of our parishioners with the direction of the Holy Spirit.

May you hear God's call, respond boldly and with good courage, that what we do will be a blessing to the honour of God's holy name.

Rev. Mike