This week we offer prayers for the families of Raymond Dunlop (Tammy and Martin Caya) and the family Gerald Clattenburg (Helen Clattenburg) as they mourn the death of loved ones. Celebration of the life and witness of Raymond Dunlop was held at St. Georges Anglican Church, Head of St. Margaret's Bay on Tuesday and a celebration of the life of Gerald Clattenburg took place at St. Andrew's on Wednesday. Let us give thanks for the ministry of our parish to our parish family, in word and deed, and in the ministry of hospitality offered by St. Andrew's Ladies Group.
I was pleased to attend a meeting of the property committee on Tuesday evening. The committee has set a busy agenda for the summer. In addition to routine maintenance the renovation of the downstairs washrooms will take place over the next couple of months. This is part of the capital project approved along with the kitchen renovation. Many thanks to those who support this endeavour with their time, talent and treasure.
I was pleased to make three hospital visits on behalf of the parish on Friday. In addition to my hospital visit I was pleased to make a pastoral visit with one of our parish families.
This morning let us give thanks for the ministry of Doug Gillett and Marilyn Hamlin who represented our parish at the recent Diocesan Synod. There report to our congregation this morning reflects the highlights of that synod and informs our parish of the vision and direction of our diocese.
Following the service today I will be away for two weeks, one week of vacation and one week of retreat. For our retreat Marian and I will be staying at Leo House, a retreat centre in Manhattan. We will be close to Trinity Anglican Church which is close to ground zero for the events of 911. We hope to worship daily at Trinity, find some quiet time to read, (I will be reading a new book by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan about St. Paul) and relax. There is one afternoon when I will indulge myself and take in a Yankee game at the New Yankee Stadium. The Yankees play the Blue Jays but I will be wearing my Yankee hat. While I am away Rev. Judie and Rev. Ron will look after regular Sunday services and Rev. Judie will be on call for pastoral emergencies. Her telephone number is 446-0229. For other matters please contact the wardens, Linda Strachan (876-0292) or Lloyd Miller (876-8508).
Congratulations to all our school age children on the completion of another school year. I hope and pray that sunshine and long days of fun and relaxation lie ahead as you enjoy a break from your studies.
Special thanks today for the ministry of Judy Sanford who prepares our weekly bulletin. Judy will be taking a well deserved break for the summer following this Sunday's bulletin and our weekly bulletin will resume in September.
May God's blessing rest upon each of us today and always.
See you when I get back !!
Rev. Mike