This week sees us begin the season of Lent. As usual the week began with the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, and like always we were treated to great supper. Many thanks to those who contributed and worked to make this supper a success.
On Wednesday we officially began
Lent with the celebration of the Ash Wednesday Liturgy. This is a moving and
meaningful service as we prepare ourselves for the task of undertaking a commitment
to renew and strengthen our relationship with Christ as we move toward the Paschal
mystery with the celebration of Easter. During Lent the propers of the BAS give
renewed attention to the baptismal aspect of the Paschal celebration. Baptismal
themes are the particular focus of many of the texts and prayers. During
Lent special mid-week (Wednesday) services will take place at St. Andrew's at
7 p.m.
I encourage you to make these services part of your lenten discipline.
I was pleased also to meet with the members of the Worship Planning Committee. (Rev. Judie, Rev. Ron, Marilyn Hamlin and Wendy Wells) We met to go over plans for the Forgiveness Workshop which has been rescheduled for March 14th. That means if you haven't already signed up there is still time!!
I was pleased also to meet with our parish wardens, Linda Strachan and Lloyd Miller. We shared a positive outlook for the year ahead and look forward to continuing and expanding our ministries and mission in the parish and wider community.
It was good also to meet with the Prayer Group on Wednesday morning. Other commitments have made my attendance at this group less frequent but it always a joy to be present.
On Saturday I was pleased to attend the Men's Breakfast and as usual we were treated to more than you can ask or imagine. Next breakfast is March 28th. If you have not already attended one of these breakfasts be sure to mark that date on your calendar. The food is great, the fellowship is great, the ministry of connectedness that the breakfast provides is a success story for our parish. Many thanks to those who make this possible especially to Don Schwartz who takes a leadership role in making it happen.
Blessings to you in this Lenten Season
Rev. Mike