Rector's Weekly Report

Blessings to each of you as you continue your journey through these days of Lent in preparation for the great celebration of Easter.
This past week I was pleased to chair the meeting of our Regional Clericus in Fall River. We met at the Open Gate in Fall River a facility owned and operated by a non denominational called the faith Bible Chapel. They use the building for functions directly related to the affairs of their church, but also make available, free of charge, as outreach to the community.
Old Man Winter, who refuses to release his grip had his way again Wednesday evening as we were forced to cancel our mid-week service due to slippery road conditions as a result of snow.
The Worship Planning Committee met on Thursday to put the final touches to planning for the forgiveness workshop held on Saturday. The workshop was a tremendous success. Ten people registered for the event. We enjoyed fellowship, food, and a wonderful conversation and exploration of the subject of forgiveness. Thanks to Rev. Ron, Rev. Judie, Marilyn and Wendy for their work in organizing the workshop as well as to those who came and shared so freely in the conversation.
On Thursday evening the Parish Council met for the first time since our AGM in January. It was a pleasure to welcome new members. Jo-Anne Rector, and Glen LaFosse were elected new members-at-large while Lloyd Miller begins his term as Warden. We along with the other members of Council have a busy year ahead of us. I look forward to the task confident in the leadership our council possesses.
On Friday I was pleased to attend to hospital visits. I remind you again that if you know you are going to be in hospital and would like a visit please let me know.
Thank you to the Ladies Group and everyone else responsible for the reception held last Sunday for Bishop Ron's visit. He thoroughly enjoyed his visit to our parish.
See you all tonight for the Variety Show. It promises to be good entertainment.

Peace be with you this week.

Rev. Mike