Rectors Report
Week Ending May 1st, 2010

~~Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!~~

It was wonderful to gather on Tuesday evening with the Bible Study Group and the Book Study Group as we officially wrapped up our programs for the year with a potluck supper, singing, fellowship and sharing. Many thanks to Rev. Ron for his leadership in Bible Study and to the participants who took part in these programs. It is a learning experience from which we all benefit. We look forward to the fall when we will again offer new programs for Christian education. Following supper I was pleased to sit down with Wendy Wells as she prepares to draft a new schedule for our readers roster. Many thanks to all those who take part in the ministry of proclaiming God's word.

The weekly meeting of Prayer Group met on Wednesday morning to uphold our parish as well as the wider community in prayer. I was pleased to be able to make a pastoral visit with a member of our congregation on Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday evening I attended the Nicholson Lectures which took place at the Atlantic School of Theology. The guest lecturer was Thomas Long a renowned preacher from the United States who talked on the subject of innocent suffering.

I was pleased to make a visit to the home of another of our parishioners on Thursday morning. Also on Thursday I spoke with the son of Bill Morgan as we begin to plan the service for Bill's funeral which will take place here at St. Andrew's on May 22nd. Thursday evening I was back at AST to here the concluding lecture of the Nicholson Lectures by Thomas Long.

I was pleased to make a hospital visit on Friday morning. As always I remind you to let me know if you are going to be a patient at the hospital so that I can arrange a visit with you. Likewise if you are sick at home or if you would like a visit from the rector please let me know and I will gladly arrange a time.

Saturday was enjoyable day as I attended a workshop put on for Lay Readers. The workshop was conducted by Herbert O'Driscoll a renowned Anglican priest and writer whose work has beenĀ  beneficial to lay and clergy alike, especially as it pertains to the task of preaching.

ACPO, the conference that recommends candidates for ordained ministry takes place from May 20th - May 23rd. As you are aware Marilyn Hamlin, from our parish, is a candidate for the diaconate in the Non-Stipendiary Ordained Ministry program. In these weeks and days ahead I ask your prayers for Marilyn as she continues her journey in answering God's call.

As we answer God's call let us follow the Risen Lord remembering His Gospel which says, "A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you."

Rev. MikeĀ