Rectors Report
Week Ending May 9th, 2010
~~Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!~~
On Tuesday morning the regional clericus of the Fort Sackville Region met at St. Andrew's. This monthly meeting provides a time for clergy to make plans for regional events, share what is working in our parishes, and to enjoy fellowship with one another in a fun and supportive manner.
On Tuesday afternoon I had to extend my regrets to the members of the Pastoral Care Committeeas I was not able to attend the scheduled meeting as I had to respond to a hospital call. Thanks be to God for the continued good work of this committee.
I met with members of the late Bill Morgan to make arrangements for Bill's funeral. Bill, a long standing member of our congregation will be laid to his eternal rest at a Celebration of His Life at St. Andrew's 10:00 a.m. May 22nd.
I was at the hospitals Friday morning. Three individuals from out faith community are patients at this time.
I met with the planning committee for our region that is seeking funding to extend the Puppet Ministry which was begun earlier this year. Originally we had hoped to have one large regional gathering but when that failed to materialize the program was offered to individual congregations with a great degree of success. We hope that funding will be granted by the diocese so that we can continue this valuable youth ministry.
Many thanks to the Ways and Means Committee and to all who volunteered their time to put on a delicious spaghetti supper on Saturday.
This coming week I will be away from the parish on Tuesday and Wednesday as I will be attending a meeting of Regional Deans at Debert. During my absence pastoral emergencies should be referred to Rev. Judie. (446-0229)
Congratulations to Don & Jean Schwartz who are celebrating forty years of married life together. Best wishes are extended and we pray for God's continued blessing upon them.
Have a wonderful week rejoicing in the presence of the Risen Lord among us.
Rev. Mike