Rector's Weekly Report
September 25th, 2011
Here at St. Andrew's and throughout our diocese churches are celebrating Back to Church Sunday. If you are a regular worshipper, an occasional worshipper, if you have been away for some time, or if this is the first time you have been at St. Andrew's welcome. Remember we don't have visitors here, but rather, brothers and sisters in Christ, who are part of the family.
I've had to let my belt out a notch already this weekend. We began with a delicious Potluck Supper on Friday evening and gathered again yesterday for breakfast. (centre cut steak, scrambled eggs, baked beans, pancakes, English muffins, and a healthy fruit salad - delicious!!) Today after church you are invited to a barbecue and corn boil. A very special thanks to everyone who worked to prepare serve and clean up after these functions.
As part of our worship this morning we are pleased to welcome
Joey Carver, who is well known in our parish. Joey will give us the gift of his music before, during and after our service this morning.
There will be no sermon this morning!! Rather, during the time we normally would proclaim the gospel and preach a sermon, members of the Spiritual Development Committee will present the Stories of Jesus, a series of short plays depicting certain pivotal moments during Jesus' ministry. Many thanks to the committee and to the actors who will help bring us The Stories of Jesus.
I ask your prayers for Margie Hunt and her family. Margie's husband, John, passed away on Monday. I was pleased to be with Margie and her family at her daughter's home on several occasions this week and to preside at the Interment of Ashes at St. John's Cemetery in Halifax.
Flowers in the sanctuary this morning are placed in memory of John.
I was at the Church of the Good Shepherd, in Beaverbank on Wednesday afternoon to chair the meeting of the regional clericus of Fort Sackville. As I have mentioned Clericus is a monthly gathering of clergy which it is my responsibility, as Regional Dean, to facilitate.
I was pleased to attend a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday evening. Many improvements have been made to our church this year, a tribute to the hard and oncoming work of the committee. The latest major has been the gyprocing and painting of the men’s choir room and the stairway going up to the balcony. This project complies with a request from the Fire Marshall, but more importantly makes our building more beautiful and inviting. Thanks to the volunteers who have worked to help bring this project to completion. A special thanks to Jamie Wile who has chaired the Property Committee for the past couple of years. Jamie has contributed numerous hours as property chair and his leadership has been primary in all that has been accomplished. Keith Fraser has taken on the role of chairing the committee. Your continued support for Keith and the committee will insure that we continue our ambitious efforts to make our building more beautiful and functional.
I met briefly with the Spiritual Development Committee on Thursday evening. We talked briefly about our service today and other arrangements for the weekend. Many thanks to Rev. Judie and her committee for the hard work that has made Welcome Back Weekend
such a success.
May your words and actions today and this week be a blessing to God’s holy name.
Rev. Mike