Hello everyone!
I hope this parish letter finds each of you well into a meaningful observance of Lent, and looking forward to the celebration of Spring and Easter!
As Holy Week and Easter approach, many things are happening over eight short days. My hope is that you will find spiritual, emotional and ethical connection throughout our time together so that as we emerge from whatever winter held for us, we will find our spirit and faith renewed, and our commitment to live as people of faith strengthened.
On Palm Sunday, April 14, you are invited to join us as we experience the story of Jesus deciding to ride into Jerusalem, a city that survived so many centuries of war and conflict, and yet remained so full of religious and racial conflict. What did just one person hope to change?
I invite you to be with us April 18th for Maundy Thursday observance of the Last Supper to consider the emotions and fears of everyone in the upper room are the same feelings and worries you and I have today about our lives and our world. As we lay bare the altar and all signs of decoration, colour or symbol, we will consider that our strength and faith come from within, when stripped of all that separates us from one another.
Let’s be together April 19th on Good Friday morning for our beautiful yet soulful candlelight service. A ceremony similar to a lessons and carols service we will alternate between spiritual music and meditations meant to let us stay in the shadows of the cross. Why? Perhaps because only music and stories can really surround our painful awareness of what happened to Jesus, and the awareness of the suffering in our world on levels much greater than even in His day? Sometimes it is only by keeping our eyes and hearts wide open to suffering that we can discover the capacity we also have for love. As He had.
And finally, after the intensity of our journey through Holy Week, my hope is that you will join us on April 21st for our Easter Sunday celebration.
There is a sense of being kindred spirits in taking the journey of Lent and Holy Week together. Easter leaves us standing on solid ground and ready to focus our thoughts on how much we love this world and every soul God has placed upon it, and the change we want to be.
Our Holy Week and Easter Schedule is as follows:
Palm Sunday:
9:00 am Traditional Eucharist & 10:30 am Contemporary Eucharist with the Liturgy of the Palms.
Maundy Thursday:
7:00 pm Contemporary Eucharist with the stripping of the altar and exiting in darkness.
Good Friday:
10:00 am Shadows of the Cross Liturgy, candlelight lessons and hymns.
Easter Sunday:
9:00 am Traditional Eucharist & 10:30 am Contemporary Eucharist with Easter egg hunt!! Included with today’s letter is a list of many fun activities planned in celebration of our 100th Anniversary. We hope that you find something here that you would enjoy and will join us in celebration.
Light and Peace be with you,
The Rev’d Mark Pretty