Pastoral letter with regard to Covid 19
Follow the link below to read Archbishop Ron Cutler’s full message:
St. Andrew's Timberlea
Follow the link below to read Archbishop Ron Cutler’s full message:
Hello Everyone, We are in that wonderful time of year again! Yes I did say wonderful! The journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. While often associated with penitence, fasts, giving things up, and perhaps a kind of depressing long few months in the church year, I find this season just the opposite! There are…
Join us for a delicious Pancake Supper featuring: Pancakes and Sausage Tea, Coffee, Juice, Punch Dessert With your choice of Traditional Syrup or Warm Blueberry topping Adults: $8.00 Children (5-12 yrs): $4.00 Under 5: Free Take Out available
Merry Christmas, from the parish family of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, serving the BLT area. As rector it is my joyful privilege to invite you to celebrate the wonderful, miraculous, inspiring and very human story of the birth of Jesus with us. It is certain that we all come to this time with our own…
Please join us on Sunday, October 20 at out 10:30 worship service as we gather to give thanks for all creatures large and small and to ask a blessing on the animal members of our families. Bring along your pet or a photo. For all dogs and cats, large and small Thank you God For…
I often find myself approaching Thanksgiving with a focus on two streams of thought. One is a heightened awareness of the struggles of people on my mind. The other is global concerns, and a sense of gratitude for what is right in the world. Those two things often connect powerfully. For example we are all…
Please join us on Saturday, October 19 between 9:00 and 1:00. Local crafters and vendors Admission by Donation Canteen and Basket Raffle If you wish to reserve at table ($10.00) please contact Julie Roe @
Saturday, November 2, 2019 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Pub Night featuring the Dicey Reilly Band Advance tickets: $10.00 per person (adults 19 years and older) $12.00 at the door Cash Bar and Canteen For tickets: Bev Higgins 902 876-7240 or
Organic Cotton T-Shirts – Sweat Shop and Child Labor Free To place an order or for more information contact: