Did you know?

Did you know that St. Andrew’s has an account at Timberlea Bottle Exchange (Timberlea Recycling Inc.)? When dropping off your recyclables, please consider donating them to St. Andrew’s by simply asking staff at the depot to add them to St. Andrew’s account. Last year, we raised approximately $300. through this endeavor. Thank you for your…

Thanksgiving Offerings

Once again this year, in order to reduce costs of purchasing and distributing envelopes, we are not mailing a Thanksgiving Letter or Thanksgiving Envelopes. Anyone who wishes to make a Thanksgiving contribution can do so by putting it in an envelope marked “Thanksgiving” (with your name and envelope number, if applicable) and delivering it in the…

Diocesan Protocols in Response to COVID-19

Beginning at 12:01am, Monday October 4, 2021, Nova Scotia will enter a modified Phase 5 of its reopening plan. In order to provide consistency across the Diocese and address questions and concerns raised by Parishes, their clergy and members, The Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island has developed a guideline document: Diocesan Protocols…