We are pleased to advise that in person worship will resume at St. Andrew’s beginning this Sunday, March 7 at 10:30 am. The Annual General Meeting that was originally scheduled for Sunday, February 28 will be held immediately following an abbreviated service. (March 7)

A reminder that the meeting will be held in the church vs. church hall as had been the practice in previous years. Parishioners wishing to attend the meeting will be asked to stay in place in their pews and to continue wearing masks. A lunch will not be served, but it is anticipated that we will be able to wrap the meeting up in time for everyone to enjoy a leisurely lunch in the comfort of their own homes.

We are also delighted to advise that Sunday School will resume this coming Sunday as well.

Services will continue to be recorded each Sunday and will be posted to our website and Facebook page.

We wish to thank all for your continued support and understanding as we respond to changes and updates in public health protocols.