Lent/ Easter Message

Hello Everyone, We are in that wonderful time of year again! Yes I did say wonderful! The journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. While often associated with penitence, fasts, giving things up, and perhaps a kind of depressing long few months in the church year, I find this season just the opposite! There are…

Thanksgiving Message

I often find myself approaching Thanksgiving with a focus on two streams of thought. One is a heightened awareness of the struggles of people on my mind. The other is global concerns, and a sense of gratitude for what is right in the world. Those two things often connect powerfully. For example we are all…

Easter Message

Hello everyone! I hope this parish letter finds each of you well into a meaningful observance of Lent, and looking forward to the celebration of Spring and Easter! As Holy Week and Easter approach, many things are happening over eight short days. My hope is that you will find spiritual, emotional and ethical connection throughout…

Lenten Message 2019

Hello all, It is that time of the year again! Depressing, somber, dreary Lent. A time of self denial, self discipline, and frankly some very dark themes and stories in church.  At least that often seems to be Lent’s reputation. The thing is, the way we celebrate Lent can be so different than that. Oh…

Thanksgiving Message

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This time of the year we become much more connected to our sense of thankfulness. I’m thinking of my own sense of thankfulness for our church today. One of the many things I love so much about the church is the thought of seeing ourselves as brothers and sisters, responding to each…

Welcome Back!

Hi everyone! I hope this letter finds all our members rested, feeling strengthened and renewed by the beauty of summer. Although many of us are more than ready for cooler fall days and less humidity! The most spiritual part of this season for many has nothing to do with whether or not church has been…

An Easter Message

Hi everyone, on behalf of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church I want to wish you all a deeply meaningful Holy Week and Easter! For many of us Lent has been a challenging experience, in a way that has been unique to each individual. For us at St. Andrew’s it has all been about taking measure of…