Lenten Message

Hello everyone, It’s lent! And what does that usually bring to mind? Memories of the past when we had all kinds of rules and instructions about these next 40 days and nights? Can you remember only eating fish on Fridays? Or fasting, which may have involved giving up certain foods, or eating nothing from Saturday…

Advent/ Christmas Message

  The warmest of season’s greetings to everyone! It’s a crazy, jam packed, run everywhere, sit in traffic jams with all those “other” wacky drivers time, I know.  But as you know, there is another side of things that is meant just for you.  A place to be mindful, thoughtful, and seek affirmation, meaning, and…

Thanksgiving Message

Thankfulness.  Can you think of times when you’ve felt the deepest sense of being thankful?  It usually isn’t about a house so much as it’s about feeling thankful our partner and our children are all safe under this roof.  A feeling every parent knows when a child grows up and goes out on their own,…

Join us for Worship

Worship in our time is no small challenge! We seek to be inclusive of the almost infinite diversity of people, cultures, and beliefs that are such a vital part of our communities. That effort has made us look very critically at what we say and how we say it when we worship God together, and…

Easter Message

Hello everyone,   I hope our season of lent has been meaningful, wherever and however you have found the time to make your own spiritual journey. There are just so many ways.   At St. Andrew’s we have been journeying together in a special way on Wednesday evenings for night prayers and a book study…