Sunday, November 8, 2020 – Part 1 – Part 2
St. Andrew's Timberlea – Part 1 – Part 2
Learning as we go Indoor worship has returned to St. Andrew’s and we are thrilled to see so many of our friends in person again. We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support as we all learn to navigate through some challenging times. Your health and safety are a priority. We… (1) (2) (3)
The 2020 Church Calendars have arrived and Anne Fraser will have them in church this Sunday. They are $6 each. She will have the list of who ordered and the quantity. If you didn’t order one we do have a few extra. Please let Wendy or Anne know if you wish one as once these…
In building worship to resume at St. Andrew’s effective Sunday, October 18 We are very pleased to announce that in building worship will resume commencing this Sunday, October 18 at 10:30 am. At this time, only one service per Sunday has been scheduled. Public Health guidelines will be observed • Under Section 32 of the…
This year, in order to reduce costs of purchasing and distributing envelopes, we are not mailing the Thanksgiving Letter or Thanksgiving Envelopes. Anyone who wishes to make a Thanksgiving contribution can do so by putting it in an envelope marked “Thanksgiving” (with your name and envelope number, if applicable) and delivering it in the usual manner…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, It has been quite a different kind of year, and reflecting on it in the spirit of Thanksgiving is very important. One can hardly make an account for what this year has been worldwide. The Australian wild fires. The States, India, , Russia, most countries in South America, Spain, South Africa, just…