Handbell Choir
Special thank you to St. John’s United Handbell Choir directed by Ray Grant for your gift of music.
St. Andrew's Timberlea
Special thank you to St. John’s United Handbell Choir directed by Ray Grant for your gift of music.
Music speaks what cannot be expressed Soothes the mind and gives it rest Heals the heart and makes it whole Flows from heaven to the soul … St. Andrew’s choir invites anyone who likes to sing, to join us in the choir stalls on Sunday mornings. You need not be a professional; if you like…
Hi everyone, on behalf of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church I want to wish you all a deeply meaningful Holy Week and Easter! For many of us Lent has been a challenging experience, in a way that has been unique to each individual. For us at St. Andrew’s it has all been about taking measure of…
There are currently two full size burial lots in the Church Cemetery available for sale to parishioners. Please contact Tim Edwards (902 876-7785) for more information. Cremation lots are also available.
Please help us accommodate those who are sensitive to fragrances and other scented products. Thank you for not wearing perfume, cologne and other fragrances.
Hello everyone, It’s lent! And what does that usually bring to mind? Memories of the past when we had all kinds of rules and instructions about these next 40 days and nights? Can you remember only eating fish on Fridays? Or fasting, which may have involved giving up certain foods, or eating nothing from Saturday…
On the last Sunday of each month a free will offering is collected with all proceeds given to the BLT Breakfast Program. The program provides a nutritious breakfast to any children arriving at school in need of this important program.
Please join us for a World Day of Prayer service on Friday, March 2 at 7:00 pm. The service this year has been written by women of the Republic of Suriname.
Please join us on Sunday, March 18 as we kick off Burger Week with an after service luncheon. Your challenge!! – Build your best burger Free Will Offering
Thank you Chris Pharo for the very informative talk on the wonderful work our Primate’s Fund accomplishes in Canada and around the world.