A Message from the Executive Committee of your Parish Council
A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF YOUR PARISH COUNCIL The executive committee discussed at length the pros and cons of opening the church for public services now that the numbers have changed via the provincial guidelines. We discussed the provincial number changes, as well as the standing requirements…
Nova Scotia Remembers – a Virtual Vigil
St. Andrew’s in Timberlea will be ringing our church bells at 6pm in solidarity with all who are grieving right now, in the aftermath of the mass shootings. Anyone who may hear the bells, please take a moment to hold both the souls of those lost, and their loved ones,…
Bishop’s letter in the aftermath of mass shooting
Date: April 20th, 2020 “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” John 20:19 Dear Friends, For more than a month we…
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Join us for a delicious Pancake Supper featuring: Pancakes and Sausage Tea, Coffee, Juice, Punch Dessert With your choice of Traditional Syrup or Warm Blueberry topping Adults: $8.00 Children (5-12 yrs): $4.00 Under 5: Free Take Out available
Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, October 20
Please join us on Sunday, October 20 at out 10:30 worship service as we gather to give thanks for all creatures large and small and to ask a blessing on the animal members of our families. Bring along your pet or a photo. For all dogs and cats, large and…