Thanksgiving Offerings

This year, in order to reduce costs of purchasing and distributing envelopes, we are not mailing the Thanksgiving Letter or Thanksgiving Envelopes. Anyone who wishes to make a Thanksgiving contribution can do so by putting it in an envelope marked “Thanksgiving” (with your name and envelope number, if applicable) and delivering…

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News from St. Andrew’s Ladies Group

News from St. Andrew’s Ladies Group We are collecting items for the Mission to Seafarers shoeboxes: mitts/ gloves, scarves, hats, socks, shaving cream, razors, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, playing cards, lip balm. Because of Covid-19, we have 2 drop off locations for all items. We will also pick up items…

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PWRDF – Matching Fund for the Lebanon Crisis

Dear friends,On Saturday,  the Government of Canada launched a dedicated Matching Fundfor the Lebanon crisis that will double the contributions of Canadians andsupport the relief work of the members of Canada’s Humanitarian Coalition,including the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Through its membership in theCanadian Foodgrains Bank, PWRDF will be participating in the…

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